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"Who knew you were such a badass?" Lip grinned while following behind me

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"Who knew you were such a badass?" Lip grinned while following behind me.

"He was being a fucking asshole." I defended and Lip raised his arms in defense, I could still feel the anger bubbling in my veins.

"Yeah well you sure showed him, thank god I'm not drunk. Imagine if I missed that." His nose was still bleeding, but it didn't seem to bother him.

"I've got a bottle of vodka stashed in my room, the least I could do for my knight in shining armor." I teased not letting Lip have all the fun.

"Sounds like a plan. I would've punched him again, but you held me back." Lip pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"When after he floored you a second time?" I grinned at him realising that I had no idea where I was going.

"You definitely owe me that vodka now, it's this way. First I get physically hurt for you and now you're hurting my feelings." Lip held his chest and jutted out his bottom lip.

"You'll get over it, Gallagher." I followed him now running a hand through my hair, I did not expect the night to turn out like this at all.

"I don't really know that much about you." I raised my eyebrows as Lip changed the subject.

"I could say the same about you." I replied pulling my jacket tighter around me to try and heat up.

"I'm Lip, I have three brothers and two sisters. My mom is a crazy bitch who left us and my dad is an alcoholic that mooches off us every chance he gets. Your turn." Lip stated not missing a beat.

"Well I'm Bethany, but I prefer Beth. I have one little sister, my parents died in a car crash a few months ago so me and my sister moved to Chicago with my grandma." I spoke and I saw the way Lip's face dropped when I mentioned my parents.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you bring that up." Lip apologised while looking at the ground.

"It's okay, I mean it's shitty but it's not terrible with grandma." I told him and he nodded as we turned the corner onto our street.

"I'll wait outside while you get the vodka." Lip advised as we stopped outside my house.

"Okay, you know a place we can drink this?" I questioned, it was the middle of winter we could freeze outside and my house wasn't an option and I doubt his was either.

"Yeah I know a place, bring something warm." I nodded my head and dug the key out of my back pocket, I climbed the steps of the porch wincing at the creaking noise but I continued to the door nevertheless.

I carefully unlocked the door and tip toed up to my room, I pulled out the cardboard box from underneath my bed and pulled out the bottle of vodka. I tied my hair in a low messy bun. I threw off my denim jacket and pulled a sweatshirt on before putting my denim jacket back on over it. I grabbed the neatly folded blanket from the end of my bed and tucked it under my arm. I grabbed a packet of tissues from night stand and the half empty bottle of water to clean Lip's nose.

I crept down the stairs quietly, I left the house and locked the door again. Grandma would probably lecture me in the morning, but right now it was a risk I was willing to take.

Lip stood at my gate his hood was pulled up over his head now.

"You don't look suspicious at all." I stated sarcastically and Lip smiled slightly.

"It's the south side, everyone looks suspicious." Lip dug his hands into his pockets and gestured across the street in the direction of his house.

"Will Fiona not be up still?" I asked thinking he was suggesting that we drink inside.

"No not inside, there's an old van in the garden. It's been broken down for awhile now." Lip explained as he started crossing the street.

"Wait Lip here, for your nose." I tossed the packet of tissues at him and he caught it easily.

"Thank you, let's get into that bottle of vodka." Lip reminded me and I smiled following him across his yard around to the back of the house where sure enough there was old, broken down van.

Lip pulled open the door to the driver's side, I rounded the van and got in. It wasn't a bad spot, I unfolded the blanket and let it draped over the two of us. I handed Lip the bottle of vodka and he unscrewed the cap before taking a mouthful barely wincing before passing it to me. I raised the bottle to my lips letting the liquid burn my throat, I coughed slight causing Lip to laugh. I passed the bottle back to him and dug my pack of cigarettes and lighter out of my pocket, I offered Lip one and he took it. I cupped my hands around the lighter and lit mine first before Lip leaned towards me with cigarette already in his mouth.

He took another drink from the bottle and passed it back to me again, I gripped the bottle taking a drag from my cigarette before tasting another mouthful of the raw vodka.

"Why don't we make this more interesting with a game of never have I ever?" Lip suggested and I shrugged, what was the worst that could happen.

"Go for it." I blew smoke out from between my lips, his eyes watched me closely.

"Never have I ever done it while at a party." Lip took a drink first and seemed surprised when I took one too.

"Never have I ever taken nude photos of myself." I drank from the bottle, but Lip didn't.

"What? I don't have a phone." I waited for his next one, by the questions we had started with I could tell this wasn't going to be an innocent game.

"Never have I ever done it with someone I thought was ugly." Lip continued, but didn't take a drink from the bottle.

"That's a mean one." I shot back, but took a drink anyway.

"You're the one who drank, why would you sleep with someone you thought was ugly?" Lip asked with raised eyebrows.

"It was dark, he was a nice guy." I lamely excused with a shrug.

There was dried blood under his nose, I put the bottle of vodka down in between us and picked up one of the tissues while unscrewing the cap of the bottle of water I had. I poured some onto the tissue, I placed one hand on Lip's head holding him in place. His dirty blonde hair felt soft between my fingers, I dabbed the tissue around his nose and wiped away the blood.

"Is it sore?" I questioned examining his nose now.

"A little bit, but I'll be fine." Lip reassured as he stared at me.

I stared back at the electric blue colour of his eyes, his tongue poked out and ran over his bottom lip. My eyes flickered back to his to see they were focused on my lips now. I could feel his breath hitting my lips, just a little closer and our lips would touch. Lip brushed his lips against mine first before I responded adding more pressure, I cupped his jaw with my hand discarding the bloody tissue on the floor of the van.

Lip ran his tongue over my bottom lip and I let our tongues meet in a heated kiss. Lip groaned as I pulled his hair, I was thrown back into reality. I pulled away from Lip leaning back towards the door, Lip seemed to be in a daze before he realised what had happened.

"Crap, Lip! I'm sorry I can't do this, you're with Karen." I rambled and opened the door behind me stepping out of the van.

"Beth wait!" Lip called, but I was already half way across the yard.

I made my way up the steps of the porch and opened the door as quietly as I could, I shut the door behind me leaning against it with a sigh.

What the hell was I thinking kissing Lip?

Author's Note;
Another chapter! I'm really enjoying writing this book and can't wait to write more, please vote and comment if you enjoyed. I'll try to update again soon, thank you!


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