t w e n t y e i g h t

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I had barely gotten in the door followed by Grace when I remembered I had to work the evening shift at the bakery, I didn't really understand why grandma was punishing me when I hadn't done anything wrong.

"I'm just going to change for work, you can grab something to eat really quick before I walk you over to the Gallagher's." I told Grace before I headed upstairs, I found my work uniform waiting neatly on my bed.

I dumped my bag by my desk and changed into my uniform, I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on over my shoulders. I braided my hair back and went downstairs to see if Grace was ready, she was sat in the living room watching tv and eating a sandwich.

"Come on, grandma will probably get you later because I'm working until late." I urged gesturing to the door, she turned the tv off and walked ahead of me to the door.

"I could stay there until you come home from work and you can get me then." Grace suggested while I locked the door, but with grandma's mood the past few days I doubt that was going to happen.

"It's not up to me, but I highly doubt grandma will let you stay at the Gallagher's until ten."

"It's so boring at home when it's just me and grandma." Grace grumbled to herself but I heard her.

"Look I'll ask grandma at work, but I'm not making any promises. If she shows up to pick you up, don't make any arguments." I warned and her face lit up again.

"Thank you, Beth. Carl wants to show me his new taser." Grace mentioned and my eyes widened at her.


"Lip let him borrow it, also me and Debbie are going to try and fix Liam's stroller." Grace replied and I was definitely going to have to say something to Lip about the taser.

We crossed the street and Grace opened the Gallagher's front door without even knocking.

"Grace, come on you know better than that. You should knock." I reminded her, but I still followed her in nevertheless.

"Fiona said I could besides nobody answers the door when you knock half the time." Grace countered, but I just nudged her forward into the living room.

Lip sat on the couch with Liam on his lap, he was making silly faces at the toddler and it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"I'm going to Debbie's room." Grace announced taking off the up the stairs without a goodbye.

"Hey, want to hang out?" Lip greeted as he bounced Liam up and down on his knee.

"Sorry, but I can't. I'm working all weekend, no Karen tonight?"

"No she's meeting this guy from school. Your grandma still pissed at you?" Lip asked and I nodded.

"Yeah hence why I'm working all weekend also what the hell are you thinking giving Carl a taser, they'll end up hurting themselves." I pointed out and Lip just roiled his eyes.

"It doesn't work, I took the batteries out." Lip responded and I felt a bit stupid in that moment.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow." I finished turning on my heel to leave.

"You probably won't, it's the final day of SAT testing tomorrow. I'm taking it for some dumb jock for a price." Lip told me and I stopped walking.

"Lip, you could get in serious shit for that. How are you going to prove you're the guy?" I questioned, it seemed that he was setting himself up for failure.

"I have a fake I.D, this is like my third time doing it. I won't get caught." Lip reassured cockily but I wasn't as sure as him.

"Whatever you say, I better go before I'm late."

Wasted Times [LIP GALLAGHER]Where stories live. Discover now