𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲 | 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿

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• S I M O N E •


I blinked vehemently as I stared at the woman before me, turning slightly to meet my mother's disdainful gaze. I'd unconsciously zoned out of the conversation that was taking place within the office of the proprietress and had lost track of the basis of the discussion. Luckily, my mother had been kind enough to deafen me into reality.

The woman who sat at the desk opposite from us was an elderly woman, probably in her late fifties, whose countenance was calm and radiant, giving her a much younger outlook than even my mother who was supposedly younger but seemed much gruffer and more elderly.

"Sorry, you were saying?" I asked, offering a forced yet genuine smile at the proprietress. I could feel a faint ebbing pain at the base of my wrists that were wrapped with freshly dressed bandages that I'd applied before we arrived. I ran my hand over it as the radiant woman began to recall the information, she'd previously relayed to us.

"It seems you're quite uninterested in the conversation" she said afterwards, "Why don't you go with Miya here to meet your attendant?"

  "Attendant?" I questioned, ignoring my mum's stern gaze. The girl she referred to stood by her side, rolling her eyes at my ignorance. I returned the favor, a scowl making its way to her face.

"As mentioned before, you'll have an attendant at Azure who would guide you through your stay here" the proprietress utters before motioning for Miya to move over to me, "You'll understand more when you get there"

With that I follow Miya out of the rather large room in silence, walking briskly to keep up with her unwavering pace. She doesn't spare a single glance my way even as we enter an elevator that takes us to a floor way below the proprietress's.

Finally, she stops abruptly in front of a door with a bold name written across its frame, 'Dr. Colson'. Turning to me, she musters the fakest smile I've encountered in a while, "We're here. All you need is to knock, enter and that's about it" she moves to leave when I take a step forward, blocking her path.

"You can't just leave me here; I don't really know my way around" I retort as her smile broadens for some reason.

"That's none of my concern, I was asked to take you to your attendant. I've done that so my job here is done, if you need further help you can ask your attendant or figure it out yourself" she bypasses me, walking off when she stops abruptly and turns to me, "A word of advice, Simone. You are in no position to demand anything, watch your attitude when you speak to people here or you'll regret it"

I scoff, watching as she takes quick strides back towards the elevator, truly confused at her hostility. Frankly, she was overreacting to a request that didn't require such an unreceptive response.

Knocking on the door of the supposed attendant, I wait for a response which I don't get. Attempting to knock again, the door to the office is swung open abruptly as a young man emerges from the office. He seems about the same age as I am or a bit older, his brown curls are disheveled, his face contorted in rage as he brushes past me. I stumble back, almost losing my footing when he reaches out for my arm, stopping me from falling over.

"I'm sorry" he mumbles before letting go of my arm and storming off as a man in nurse scrubs immerges, a white coat adorned as well with 'Azure Valley' stitched across its chest and a name tag attached to it, 'Dr, Colson'. He runs a hand through his blond waves that settle just at his shoulder, watching the estranged boy in apparent frustration.

He sighs, "I apologize for that, please come in" I oblige, following him into his quaint office; with modern paintings hanging on each wall as well as his certificates and licenses. A sofa was situated beside his enormous desk that was covered in files and loose documents, two chairs across his side of the table and a floor to ceiling transparent wall behind him that had an amazing view of the scenery outside, with accompanying curtains drawn aside. The last aspect I noticed was his jam-packed file cabinet that was distended, refusing to be shut properly probably due to the occupancy.

"Please take a seat, Miss..." he waits for my response as I take a seat, I don't quite understand until he cocks a brow, resetting my muddled brain.

"Uh, Ainsworth" I reply, waiting as he searches for what I assume to be my file from the clutter on his desk. I try to sneak a few glances as I admire the beauty of the man before me. He seems to be in his late twenties or early thirties, his brawny frame evident even through his scrubs. His beige hued eyes glimmer as the tendrils of sunlight rest on his face, a smile of triumph tugging at the corners of his lips as he pulls out the right file and places it before him.

He flips through it, his attention never wavering as he reads or takes mental notes of whatever's in my file. "A lot of markers on here, Simone- Is it okay if I call you by your first name?" he questions, continuing when I nod, "Good, well it seems that your records have been altered with permanent markers made by your family doctor or something, which leaves little to nothing to work with"

"I could fill in the blanks myself" I offer which he responds with a wry smirk.

"I need information from your past evaluations made by a medical practitioner, which are available to me here up until the 2nd of April which seems to be the catalyst that made your doctor advice that you applied here, am I right?" I nod yet again, running my fingers over each bandaged wrist nervously.

"I need to know what your problems are in order to help you, Simone" he says, shutting the file and placing it on the table, "since it's been covered up, it's safe to assume that whatever took place must have been traumatizing and incriminating. I just hope that along the line you'd be able to open up about whatever it is that got you here in the first place. For now, we'll focus on your mental health and helping you through every obstacle you may imagine stands in your way" he says with such sincerity that I'm moved to blurt out everything that's weighing my mind down but I simply can't. At least not now. My parents invested a lot into keeping the situation under wraps and the press.

It'd take more than compassion to lure me into talking.

"With that aside, you'll need certain amenities to go about your stay here. As you know, you'll be taking normal classes and having personal and group sessions in between on a daily basis. You're required to wear the uniforms I'll provide to you during school hours and extracurricular activities while after you can wear whatever outfit you have to go around campus. Also, you'll be given a student brochure, a map of the school, time schedule, an Id card, hall pass, universal key card which can access student permitted areas, a list with your room number and my contact details and a student laptop required to be used for school work only" he takes a deep breath, reaching under his desk to bring out a sealed cardboard box, "everything you need is in here"

He places it on the table before rising to his feet, "Any questions?"

"Yes" I say, "how old are you?" this takes Dr. Colson by surprise as he furrows his brows, a shy smile making its way to his lips.

"Well, uh, that's quite personal but I'm twenty-eight" he replies, tugging at the lapels of his coat apprehensively. "If that's all, then you're free to go. I'll see you tomorrow for our first official session, feel free to contact me if you have an emergency at any time"

"Alright then," I say as I get up from my seat, "I hope you have your phone on standby Dr. Colson, cause I already have two emergencies in mind right now"

He chuckles, revealing a neat set of white teeth, lighting up his beautiful face, "I'll keep that in mind"

I take the slightly heavy box in hand and move to leave when he calls out, "Oh and Simone?"

"Yes?" I question as I pause my receding steps and turn to him.

"Please, call me Alexander" he says with a smile which I find myself imitating as I turn to leave.

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