Programmed for the final function Lab Rat King

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Eobard didn't want to divert focus or spend years of his life watching over his creation and teaching it what he needed to know. Refusing to raise and teach him or be remotely close to a father or decent creator.  Putting Thad in a capsule for most of his life. For years put through countless methodical  simulations, and tests with information slowly given to him...

You found yourself in the lab Thawne left him in and deactivated it when you realized a teen was in there. You interrupted the process and let him out leaving major gaps in his knowledge.  You were the second person he ever interacted with, relying on you in a way imprinting on you... He was confused, angry for a reasons he didn't understand yet.... .

"She's my mother.. I'm supposed to.. Supposed to..."

"So I'm an amalgam of them. Part of hero, part of him. For what? What is my purpose?"

"Of course I know what that is. "

"I'm his monster?"

"Would he have come back for me?"

"I'm just changing what's the big deal?"

"It's his shirt..  The villains mark on it. Why wear their symbol?"

"Either avert your eyes or let me super speed change.."

"I like hurting people.."

"I remember part of it."

"You let me out earlier. "

"Who are you?"

"Thawnes are.. Thawnes are..  I don't know what they're supposed to be."

"Making me was wrong.."

AS I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MB\SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt