Crisis Sacrifice Starter

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"Today we say good-bye to him, not because he was taken but because he gave himself willingly. And in the end, that's what makes him deserving of the greatest title of all...  Hero."

Sometimes the hero dies and there's nothing we can do about it

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Sometimes the hero dies and there's nothing we can do about it.

Oliver as the Spectre increased Thad's connection to the Speed Force, putting him at full potential. Letting him have a balance between that and other forces and energies.... Including the Negative Speed Force. Overwhelming and empowering the boy.

"The energy it's too much. His body can't handle it... He knows"

Thad charged at the Anti Monitor, his lightning flickering half a dozen different colors. Green, red, white, yellow, blue, and Pushing through the wave of Anti Matter, attacking him... Allowing the Multiverse's recreation as he was torn apart from the inside. Previously going to other earths and pulling out other heroes to help in the fight. As many as he could find, despite the damage every time.

Sacrificing himself in front of the Paragones... You weren't there, you had to be told of what happened to him. You watched the new headline appear. 'Inertia killed during crisis,' 

At the funeral. The heroes, his team, his family pulled out the coffin the weight of it, was nothing compared to their loss. Yet they couldn't help but be proud of the boy that used to antagonize them, but became better.Oliver and Barry looking on wishing it had been one of them.

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