You have to understand the one I kill is me.

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"Dead on impact

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"Dead on impact.."

"Unable to escape on his earth

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"Unable to escape on his earth... Died of internal bleeding... "

"If I ever want to really live, I need to confront my demons

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"If I ever want to really live, I need to confront my demons. And end them."

" My counterpart, my father. All of them, my future . Wipe them out. And It'll stop holding me back.

I killed the worst possible versions of myself. The doppelgangers, counterparts and even the prime version on earth zero.

I hated all of them..hated me..Kid Zoom, Inertia, whatever I could become I killed.

I killed my demons. I killed part of me...


That was Thad's reasoning his explanation for destroying his counterparts.. But there a second reason, he hated himself, since he was the one least like himself, and his previous self hatred, self destructive and harmful impulses were still there... This was the opportunity to destroy himself over and over again and feel better about it.. Bu you knew hunting down andmurdering alternate versions of yourself is not the move of a sane person.

AS I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MB\SWhere stories live. Discover now