2 - Jungkook's Past

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After dancing, Jin made dinner and I helped because I was bored.

Y/n: "Hey, Jin?"

Jin: "Yeah?"

Y/n: "Is Jungkook...scared of me?"

He stopped what he was doing then walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

Jin: "First of all, promise you won't tell anyone."

Y/n: "...Promise."

Jin: "You know last year we tried to get an 8th member in too?

I nodded.

Jin: "She didn't leave... She was...kicked out."

Y/n: "...Why?"

Jin: "One day after a concert, she...raped Jungkook."

You widened your eyes.

Y/n: "WHAT?!"

Jin: "Yeah... All of us were already asleep and Jungkook was too exhausted after the concert, he had no energy left to stop her."

Y/n: "W... What..."

Jin: "She acted all innocent on the outside, we had no idea she would do anything like that, we trusted her."

You looked down and nodded.

Jin: "Look, he'll open up to you...over time. He's been like this for the last year, the poor boy can't help it, he's been traumatised."

I didn't know what to say.

The last member that was said to have quit was actually kicked out because she...raped Jungkook?!

I couldn't believe it...

Jin:" Come on, the food's almost ready. "

I snapped back into reality and helped him with the food and stuff.

Whilst I was eating, I couldn't keep my eyes off Jungkook.

He was avoiding my gaze at all cost so I decided to just not look at him, it made him uncomfortable after all.

V: "Hey, Y/n why don't you stay here?"

Jungkook nearly choked.

Y/n: "What?"

V: "They said you could stay here, it would make things easier after all."

I thought about it.

It would help me to get used to them and vice versa, and maybe Jungkook could get to trust me too...

But wouldn't that be a bit awkward... I mean, urgh.. I'll get used to it.

Y/n: "Hmm, okay, sure."

V: "Yaay!!"

He clapped his hands together and you smiled.

JH: "You really like Y/n, huh?"

V: "Yea she's so cutee"

JH: "Ok" ~he chuckled

I got up and out my plate away, then came back.

Y/n: "I'm gonna head on home now."

V: "Come on, I'll walk you."

He got up and everyone all said bye except Jungkook.


Taehyung and I stepped outside and then I asked, "Tae... What can I do to get Jungkook to trust me?"

V: "Huh?"

Y/n: "Jin told me what happened last year."

V: "He did?!"

Y/n: "Yeah... What can I do Tae?"

V: "Well, um... It will take a while but he's just going to have to get used to you. Act friendly with him, but if he's too uncomfortable back down."

Y/n: "Should I...tell him I know?"

V: "Not now, maybe at a later time."

Y/n: "Okay... But can you tell me more about what happened?"

V: "Well, obviously she was a fake. She got our trust, and one day after a concert she blew it. Worse thing is we were all passed out exhausted. The next morning we heard cries and sobs from Jungkook's room and we found out what happened. She was also gone, she ran away, and we officially kicked her out... Jungkook was really traumatised, he's really sensitive now and he hates sleeping alone, so he moved into Hobi hyung and Jimin's room."

Y/n: "...Man I feel so sorry for him... "

V: "Yeah.."

He sighed then said, "Let's hope he warms up to you."

You nodded.

V: "Also...you seemed really nervous today."

Y/n: "I'm like that. I take a long time opening up to new people."

V: "Ah, ok. You seem good to me."

He did a thumbs up and I smiled.

V: "You're gonna be fine, alright? You're really talented and you're the cutest thing ever."

He pinched your cheeks and you giggled.

V: "Aww see how cute"

Y/n: "Alright, alright. I'm gonna go now."

V: "Ok bye!!"

Y/n: "Bye!"

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