taehyung's eyes widened as yoongi, the person he just met the day before, was kissing him.

but it wasn't just an ordinary kiss. it was magical.

just like the fairytales.

a cloud of sparkly dust surrounded yoongi and then it disappeared after a few moments along with yoongi.

one moment, yoongi was angrily kissing him and the next, taehyung was standing there with a hand over his lips as he looked down at the cat in front of him.

the cat with white fur and striking blue eyes.

"what the fuck?" taehyung asked in shock.

"damn it, yoongi, we're in public. what if someone sees?" jimin said as he picked up the cat and held him in one arm while the other held the bunny. "let's go to your house taehyung and then we can talk about this."

taehyung only nodded as he silently walked while looking at the cat in jimin's arms. he just couldn't believe it.

once they got home the cat was ready to scratch taehyung since he never got to after transforming into a cat, but jimin was quick to stop him. "stop it. and you taehyung, kiss yoongi."

"what?!" taehyung asked in disbelief. "i refuse to kiss an animal, especially a cat..." taehyung trailed off as he looked at the angry cat in front of him, his paws out, displaying his nails, threatening to scratch him.

taehyung sighed before giving in. "fine, but don't scratch me."

the cat didn't listen.

the moment taehyung brought his face to the cat, it was ready to leave a few more scratches on taehyung's face. and that's what the cat did.

taehyung immediately moved away from the cat and touched his face to feel the new scratches.

jimin sighed. "taehyung stop angering cat yoongi. cat yoongi stop scratching taehyung."

taehyung glared at the cat as it licked it's paws clean. then, he leaped towards taehyung and onto his lap, startling him.

"kiss him taehyung, so he can turn back into a human." jimin said. "then we can talk."

taehyung wasn't going to lie. he was terrified of the cat, but he still leaned his face down towards the cat where the cat jumped and licked taehyung's lips.

"eww," taehyung wiped his lips as the cloud of sparkly dust appeared again. "that was disgusting."

"stop whining." yoongi said, now that he was back in his human form. "i can give that pretty face of yours a few more scratches."

taehyung rolled his eyes. "anyways," he turned his attention to jimin who was still holding the bunny in his arms. "is he the person who was punished for not liking animals or cats or something?" taehyung asked as he gestured at yoongi.

jimin nodded. "yes, yoongi was punished, but over the years, living as a cat, it has taught him to love them and the other animals as well."

"then why is he still a cat? can't he be human again?"

"that's not it works in the animal kingdom," yoongi said with an irritated sigh.

"animal kingdom?" taehyung asked confused.

yoongi nodded. "jimin is the protector of the animals."

"is that why you're such an animal lover and care so much for animals?" taehyung asked.

jimin nodded. "yes, my job is to protect the animals and make sure that they're all safe."

"so...." taehyung trailed off. "if i don't learn how to like cats, i'll get turned into one?"

jimin nodded again. "yes, you only have a certain amount of time."

"how much time?" taehyung asked, curious, but also feeling a bit terrified.

"not much, that's why i'm here," yoongi said.

"oh, so i'm supposed to learn to love the animal you got turned into right after you scratched my face, not once, but twice!"

"you'll be turned into the same animal as me if you don't learn how to love animals."

"is kissing you supposed to make me like cats, like how we kissed before because i didn't really like it."

"you're not supposed to like it, you idiot. it's just a peck on the lips so that you won't catch feelings for me."

"why would i catch feelings for a cat?!"

"i am talking about my human form!"

"human form or cat form, i'd never fall for you!"

yoongi sighed in exasperation before angrily striding past taehyung towards the door. "i hope you get turned into a cat." then he opened the door and slammed it closed on his way out.

now, it was just jimin and the bunny.

jimin sighed. "taehyung please try to cooperate with yoongi. he's trying to help you even if it doesn't seem like it."

taehyung didn't reply. he only glared at the door where yoongi had walked out and slammed shut a few moments ago.

"i'll get going now, taehyung. see you at work tomorrow."

taehyung watched jimin leave before gently closing the door behind him, leaving taehyung alone to ponder with his thoughts.

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