Chapter 1

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"SCARLET!"yelled Mrs Hanagin, Scarlets mother, "WHAT?" She replied. her mom yelled back" COME UP STAIRS!" Scarlet ran up the stairs and her mom gave her dishes to bring down and put in the dish washer. she sighed and went down the stairs. She had to do a lot of chores because she was grounded for being expelled. She went back up In her room and sat there drawing on a note pad with a pen. She was bored so she decided to go get a book. She seen this book that read Slender Man she was curious so she picked it up and threw it on her bed. Then her mom called again. She ran down stairs and paused when she seen Ella, her sister, got in to paint and painted the fridge. Her sister was only three years old so Scarlet has to clean it up. When she was done she went up in her room and pretended to go to bed but instead she got the slender man book but it was left opened to page 53. She was confused because she left it closed. On the page it read " It Watches With No Eyes" she pushed back as the book fell off the bed and then under it. She decided to go to sleep. In the morning she went for a walk with her dog, daisy,. She went around town and her dogs leash broke by a forest and daisy ran in. Scarlet ran after her. She went so far out into the distance that she no longer could be seen. Scarlet ran out of breath so she sat down on a log but then she realized that she ran so far out that she was lost. She was frightened so she started to walk in a random direction. She was walking until she seen a note on a tree. She ripped it off the tree and read it. It said " Don't Look Or It Takes you. Scarlet freaked out and it doesn't help the fact that it was turning night. She ripped the note and threw it on the ground. That's when she seen a light. She was a bit scared but it looked like a flashlight. Maybe someone was looking for her but then the light just went away. She just took it as her mind playing tricks on her. Three minutes later she came across another note. Scarlet hesitated to rip it off but she did. This one read " Follows" with a picture of a stick like figure with no face but it was really tall. She almost started to cry but she just put it in her bag. She carried on walking until she found the woods looked familiar. She saw the log she sat down on! She was so confused but suddenly she got hit in the head by something really hard that knocked her out. She work up in her bed with her mom sat next to her on a chair. As soon as she noticed Scarlet was awake she said " OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU OK SWEETHEART!?" Scarlet said "y-yes?" And then she asked what happened. Her mother said that Scarlet went to her school but then the principal caught her but then Scarlet fainted then he called 911. She also said that they thought she was running away because she had a bag. That's when Scarlet Remembered what happened. She told her mom EVERYTHING but her mom just laughed and said" That sounds like a wild dream." And walked away .Can you believe that?

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