Ride or Die

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Liyah P.O.V

The rest of the night was great. I can definitely say that this was one of the best days ever. Toni and her mom already knew Ant was coming home since he told them in a letter he sent. He asked them to keep it a surprise for me, my mom, and Terrence. Right now we were cleaning up and I was taking the rest of the sodas in the fridge. When I closed the door Terrence was on the other side.

"Oh my gosh Terrence!" I screamed holding my chest.

He laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright, so you gonna let me pass by or are you gonna keep standing there?"

"I don't know should I let you pass by?" He said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on now stop playing."

"So you don't have time for me because your little boyfriend here? I'm so hurt." He said pouting.

"Sounds like somebody is jealous."

"What exactly would I be jealous of?"

"You tell me." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"I don't have anything to be jealous about because I know the truth."

"What exactly is the truth?"

He stepped closer to me. It's like a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago.

"You like me don't you?" He whispered in my ear. I felt tingles go down my spine.

"What makes you think that?" I'm trying to play it cool. He grabbed me by my waist and brushed his lips up against my cheek. He looked me in my eyes. I was blushing so hard I could practically feel how red my face was. My heart was beating so hard and fast I thought it would fly out my chest.

He looked me in my face. "Maybe the way you biting your lip right now."

Damn I hadn't even noticed I was doing that. I quickly stopped and he smirked at me.

"Liyah, where you at?" My mom yelled. Thank God. Terrence backed up as my mother came into the kitchen.

"I'm over here." I called out to her side eying Terrence causing him to smirk.

"Everything else is all cleaned up let's go." She then directed her attention to Terrence. "I hope you had a fun birthday."

"I did and thank you so much for putting this together with my mom, I really appreciate it." He said giving her a hug.

"Oh it's no problem, I'm glad you had a good time."

Just then Anthony  came in and went over to Terrence. "So we out tomorrow?"

"Most definitely."

Everyone said their goodbyes and we were on our way. As soon as I got in the house I took a nice long shower and texted Toni. Tomorrow was the day that she's gonna go talk to Derrick. I plopped down on my bed sighing and hoping Derrick doesn't try anything crazy tomorrow.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Ant asked coming in my room.

"Nothing." I said not making eye contact with him.

"Really? I still know when you lying."

"It's just been a lot of drama since school ended that's all."

"Drama like what?"

"I got into a fight with some girl." I decided to leave out the stuff with Toni and Derrick since it really wasn't my problem.

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