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I always have a complicated relationship with your so-called 'God'.

I always question its existence, its purpose, its plan, its motive.

Growing up sad, the existence of a higher being or God is like a joke.

Why can't he take away my sadness? Why did he make an 8-year-old sad?

Why can't he take away my pain? Why did he allow me to be miserable?

Why would an 8-year old me wish for my death?

Still, despite my why's, I was forced, rather brainwashed to believe that I am evil by even having why's - that I am evil for questioning.

Being raised as a catholic, I was raised to fear God as he will punish me if I don't believe him.

Why is he a he?

I hated God.

I hated him because I couldn't feel him/her/it.

Still, I tried to convince myself of its existence.

My journey started when I was 8 years old. For several years up until I was college, I have been in different phases of my belief.

At some point I become religious, then after a few months I went back to questioning and even hating, then after a few months, I stopped believing

I started living my life, the way I wanted to live it.

I live my life with my morals and integrity on my sleeve.

I live an honest life despite not having someone called 'god'.

And then suddenly, it all just flashes to me - the grace of the universe.

And then I started believing.

I started believing in the blessing of the Universe.

As I explore my spirituality I met the Universe.

I become grateful for its grace.

I have survived many battles in my life because of the Universe

And at the end of the day, I know that the Universe has blessed me.

So God, Jesus, Allah, or whoever your god is...

I believe in the power of the universe.

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