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"It was not sudden"  I reminded myself. 

It was not so sudden. He was drifting but you continued to hold on.

You convinced yourself that it was just a phase, so you tried harder.

You tried to hold on to him. You were careful, to make sure he won't drift.

But he still drifted. You saw the red flags, but you ignored them.

You attached yourself to his promise that he will be honest and frank even when it hurts.

It was okay though, believing someone is never a mistake, your attachment is a mistake.

You know he was not the one, but you continued to hope.

You convinced yourself why he could be the one.

You hold on to the 'could be' despite knowing in your heart that 'could be' is not 'the one'.

You thought perhaps there's a way to work things out.

But you see, he was already drifting from the very beginning - it was too good to be true.

It may look as if he betrayed you, for promising you that he will never leave without telling you.

Maybe it is a betrayal, he betrayed his words.

But you betrayed yourself for ignoring the red flags and for attaching yourself to the could be.

At times, you question yourself,

"What's wrong with me?"

"Did I do something?"

"Where did it went wrong?"

"What could have I do to prevent him from leaving?"

He left because he wanted to leave.

He didn't bid goodbye because he couldn't stay true to his words.

It was not your fault.

Do not let his ghost disturbs your peace.

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