Ahh, of course it wasn't Kyra... she wouldn't have knocked.

"Grayson, I'm sure you already knew this, but this definitely isn't your mom's office", I said nonchalantly as to not let him know how shocked I actually was to see him again. He walked further into my office and before he could close the door behind him I noticed Ethan and Hailey peering in with wide eyes.

I would definitely be hearing about this later on today, they were gonna want all the gory details.

"I'm glad because I actually came here looking for you", Grayson smiled as he gazed around my office. He walked closer to the window as he looked out of it with his hands in his front pockets as the light from the sun hit his blue eyes giving it a perfect shine.

"The plans you had made for my friends and I were tonight Grayson... not now", I smirked as I finally stopped typing to give him my full attention.

"I guess I couldn't wait to see that beautiful face of yours, and may I just say you look absolutely ravishing in that outfit", Grayson said as his eyes moved from the bustling streets of L.A towards me to glance over my outfit and body appreciatively.

"Look Grayson, you've gotta stop that", I sighed as I ran my fingers through my straightened hair.

"What, don't tell me the Fearless Phoenix can't take a compliment", he smirked at me. God, he was getting to be so annoying! Why does he keep bringing up my writing column?

"I've been polite because you are my boss's son, but don't act like you know me. You may have been right about my self confidence but you'll never fully understand what I've been through. Yes I've struggled with my confidence but helping others with theirs is helping me with mine, unlike your backhanded compliments which don't help at all", I snipped in an aggravated voice.

He looked at me confused and then stepped up to my desk slowly before placing a hand on it and leaning closer towards me. I would be lying if I said he wasn't both intimidating and hot as hell, I didn't know whether to be scared or turned on.

"Backhanded compliments? Leah Rhodes I can assure you, every compliment I've given you...", he began as he leaned closer and closer to my face.

"I meant", he finished softly.

He was so close that I could count the small freckles that were spaced out on his face if I wanted to. I could see the slight grey to his blue colored eyes and had an even closer look at his rosy pink lips.

He was so close, and smelled so good. His eyes were lit up with a certain mischief and my fingers were itching to move some of his dark brown hair that had fallen in front of his face. My eyes danced across his features as I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. A movement that had caught Grayson's attention as his eyes zoned in on my lips.

"Was there something you came here for Grayson", I asked softly to release the tension between us and change the subject.

"I was in the area for a brunch meeting and tonight seemed like forever to wait to get a glimpse of you. I'm glad I didn't wait, makes me wonder if you wear outfits like that all the time", he smirked as he pulled away and sat in the chair across from my desk. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my chair before folding my arms over my chest.

Another movement that had definitely caught his eyes.

"No, I just felt like trying something different today" I shrugged.

"Because of what I said on Wednesday?"


"I feel like that's a lie, but okay."

"There are like one hundred other girls in the building who are crushing hard on you, why can't you go bother one of them", I asked tiredly. This conversation was going no where with him and I just wanted to get back to my editing so that I could hopefully get off a little early.

"None of them would be as fun as you little goddess", he smiled with a cocky wink.

"Nothing about me is little", I mumbled as I went to continue my editing notes.

"You've got that right. Quel tuo corpo è uno spettacolo celeste e sono pronto a lodarlo", he groaned in appreciation making my eyes snap to his.

*That body of yours is a heavenly sight and I'm ready to praise it.

"Do I even want to know what you just said", I asked sarcastically.

"Let's just say I'm contemplating changing religions", he winked back.

"Well not that this hasn't been... entertaining but I really need to get back to my work", I said as I stood up and dusted off my dress.

"Of course, I didn't mean to bother you", Grayson smiled as he stood up as well. I offered my hand to shake and he looked at it quizzically for a second before looking back up at me with one raised eyebrow.

"Leah I'd like to think that we're friends, not business partners", he chuckled with a smile.

"What you are Grayson, is one of my boss's sons", I reminded him as I moved around the table to stand in front of him and once again offered my hand. I was just trying to be professional with him. Could we be friends? I mean sure, but that'd be awkward... right?

I mean... he's my boss's son. What would people think if I just went around and- god who am I kidding?!

That was the most half assed excuse I could ever come up with. I didn't give a rat's ass what people thought, what I worried about was my self control. I mean give a bitch a break! The guy was hot as fuck and he gave me those looks with his hypnotic blue eyes and that dazzling smile and thought that I wouldn't have any kind of sexual desire for him?

Grayson Hart knew exactly how sexy he looked and at this point was just using his charm and good looks to get under my skin.
But to be honest he could get under me in general and I'd-

Okay Leah, calm it down girl.

Grayson grabbed my hand as if to shake and only shook it once before he pulled me into his arms, successfully pulling me out of my thoughts as well. I bumped into his chest softly and had placed my hands on his chest to steady myself as his hands found their way to my waist.

He must work out, he hadn't moved an inch when I had bumped into him and his chest felt strong and warm.

I looked up at him in surprise and was about to give him a piece of my mind when he moved one of his hands to brush away a strand of my black hair that had fallen in front of my face.

"I'm not just my mother's son, and you're not just an editor, columnist, and occasional model. I am Grayson Hart and you are Leah Rhodes, so how about whatever we are to each other... we decide for ourselves", Grayson asked softly as I felt his fingers trace over the skin of my cheek and jaw in a whisper of a touch.

Before I could respond Grayson smiled and kissed my forehead before heading towards my office door and opening it. Ethan and Hailey stood in the background looking into my office in awe while a few other workers at least acted like they weren't trying to figure out what was going on in my office.

"I really can't wait to see you later on tonight little goddess, I'd ask that you make sure you look stunning for tonight but I think you already do that effortlessly", Grayson winked before leaving.

"I'm really starting to hate when he gets the last word", I mumbled to myself once I had successfully picked up my jaw off the floor as I stood in the middle of my office.

Where Grayson had given me the first of his many forehead kisses.

~Kyra above~

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