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"1v1?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure." Jester replied, smiling.
We had become great friends over the past few months, since the loners always seemed to find what they missed in each other, so this seemed to be a great opportunity to spill the beans. Yes, I just said 'spill the beans.' I had kinda lied to her the whole time we've been 'friends.'

I told her I was a guy.

I know right?! I'm the worst person in the world! How would she ever forgive me?! Can you smell the sarcasm?
Truthfully, I only want to tell her so she doesn't get a cozy and burst out like 'hey I like you, same or nah?' and me having to be all like 'bruh I have a problem my dick disappeared, sorry.' My god that sounds so stupid, but what else would I say. Like, 'Hey, sorry I've lied to you and forgive me but like friends still cool yah no?' Haha. Hell no. That's worse.

I equipped my 45cal, with only one orange rank, the sixth best ammo, magazine in hand. I wasn't going to go all out, since my only intentions were to talk to her. I walked my distance, seeing the damage would be set high and a few shots would do me in easily, and planted my feet into the virtual soil. The counter appeared inches from my face, and hers seemed to be synced with mine, giving me no reason to complain about losing. I elongated my breaths, trying to calm down and brace myself for this meaningless fight, but I knew deep down, it'd mean a lot.

I noticed my health meter going down, and realized the match had started. But she had already halted her firing by the time I was ready to react, and was walking towards me.

"What's wrong?" She asked, brushing my frizzy brown hair behind my character's ear and placing her hand on my cold cheek.

"Ah, it's nothing." I replied, placing my hand on the crevice of her arm, applying pressure to suggest to her to move it away.

"You're so cute, you know that?" She smiled nervously. "Your girlish smile, your soft blue eyes with hints of gray and purple, your graceful movements, your small features, it's all so perfect." She continued. "You don't try to be one of those tough guys, you're honest and thoughtful."

"About that..." I started, before being cut off by her placing her slender finger upon my lips.

"It's okay," her face incredibly close to mine, her breath running down my neck like waves of electric shocks. I felt my human body getting hot through the system, a little temperature meter alarming me secretly. I needed to snap out of this and tell her before she did anything stupid, but I figured it was already too late. She chose the path to heartbreak, not me. "I hope you don't mind."

"Wai- Jes-" my speech was cut off by her, closing the space and lightly grazing my lower lip, testing the waters I assumed, then going in for a gentle, short kiss.

I could barely breathe now, my body hotter than ever, seeing my perverted little self was enjoying this, not ever having sexual contact. This was so wrong, but doing it felt so right. The thought of telling her my secret was slipping my mind, but I wouldn't allow myself to fall into this trap of temptation.

I pushed her back gently, breathing heavily and looking up to see her disappointed expression.

"I-I can't- Jester." I managed to push out. I was halfway done.

"Why not?" She frowned. I could tell she was extremely unsatisfied, her nose touching mine, warming its cold tip.

"I'm actually...not...a guy."

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