I was left in the driveway as the warm tears fell down my face. Did i just mess up my chance with Jeff ?

I headed over to my phone where i talked to Jack. I was going to tell him about Jeff. But the part of me that was hurting wanted to go out with him. So i responded.

'How about we stay in? i will cook dinner for us at your place like old times.'

No one needed to know that we were getting together. Especially Jeff. I was hurting and i decided to hurt less with Jack. He quickly replied.

'i love that idea, come over at 6?'

I looked at the clock it was 11:28 pm I had time. I booked a nail appointment at 2pm. I walked out to the kitchen where i was faced with Zane.

"Hey" i greeted "wanna go for lunch?"

"I would but i just ate" he replied "ask todd maybe he would want to go"

"it's ok i will just go alone" i reply

I decided to go to Panera. I order and sat at a table After about 15 minutes, I heard very familiar voices walk through the door, I turned my head and saw todd and jeff. Great.

I quickly turned my head back around hoping they didn't see me

However i don't think i was that sneaky because i heard Todd call out my name. After they ordered their food i saw todd walk up to my table.

"can we sit" he smiled at me i turned my head to jeff who looked like he didn't even acknowledge that i was even there.

I smiled and i guess Todd took that as a yes, because he sat across from me along with jeff. After many many minutes of awkward silence, i had lost my appetite.

"you know what guys i'm going to go, i not even that hungry anymore" i say getting up

"no stay we don't mind right jeff" he says but it seemed as if jeff was in his own world. Todd nudged his elbow "Right Jeff?"

"Huh?" he asked confused

"why are you guys acting so weird, is it because i confessed my feelings for ella, so now you two feel bad if you guys show affection in front of me?" I looked at jeff

"Yes, yes that's the reason" jeff and i both respond

"c'mon guys I'm not a kid" he says "i can handle it"

"Good to know, but i actually have to go, i have a nail appointment in 20 minutes" i reply

We said our awkward goodbyes and I sat in my car, not really knowing where to go or what to do. 

I called Jack . 

"Hello" he answered 

"hey" I reply as my voice broke 

"hey are you ok? Whats wrong? you don't sound ok" he asked 

I sniffled "I need to cancel our little thing tonight, I kind of messed something up with someone, and look jack you and I, we had our time and all and I want to see where this goes" 

"its Jeff right?" he replies 


"that someone, it's Jeff right?" he asks i didn't respond "Its ok, I've seen the was he looks at you he really cares about you. But you know we can still be friends right?"

"Jack you are the best, of course we can still be friends c'mon." 

"Ell, go get him" he replied 

"I will" I said and hung up 

I drove myself down to Jeff's apartment, I sat on the steps of the building waiting for him to come home.

I got there around noon and it was now 8pm. I was freezing, I didn't plan on waiting for someone for hours. Another hour had gone by and I was ready to give up. I started to walk to my car when I see Todd and Jeff walking up. 

"Hey Ella" Todd greets, but Ignore him and make my way to Jeff 

"can we please talk" I whispered 

He rolled his eyes but nodded his head, I pulled him to my car. 

"Please hear me out, please" I say and he nods his head once more "I wasn't going to waste your time, Jack and I at the mini golf place made plans to go shopping for London, and grab some dinner. I took it as going to hang out with my friend, but I guess he took it another way. Anyways, after I talked to you last night, I didn't want to even talk to jack again, but I forgot to cancel." 

He rolled his eyes as if he didn't believe me 

"Jeff" I sighed and I felt the tears come to my eyes, I was telling the truth, I felt so frustrated "look if you don't believe me that's fine, but I'm telling you the truth, I want to be with you, only you, I've been here at your place for hours waiting for you to come home just so that I could explain my self. This relationship is new and its different, but I like that it's different. Jeff I like you a lot and if you don't believe me then don't, but it will be your loss" as I finished a tear fell down my face 

Jeff stood there and didn't say a word 

I walk past Jeff and reach for my keys in my purse and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to have Jeff right in front of me. He pulls me into a hug. After being out in the cold for a while a hug was perfect. He squeezed me tightly and rubbed my back. He pulled away and simply said "i'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, I should have let you explain "

I smiled 

" to be quite honest I was very much miserable today, and seeing you at Panera made it so much worse for me, you don't understand all I wanted to do was hug you, make you feel better, I'm sorry" he added 

" its ok" I replied and reached to kiss him 

He leaned down and our kiss was such a sweet relief. 

"hey are you two done over there? I getting cold" Todd yelled and Jeff and I laughed.  

Malibu nights // Jeff WittekWhere stories live. Discover now