Happy Birthday Bakugo!

Start from the beginning

"Ok, Katsuki." I squeaked. I stepped back and felt myself blushing a lot. I looked back at him and saw the tips of his ears were also extremely red.

"C'mon," he grabbed my hand. "We don't have all day!" (I'm literally fangirling even tho I'm the one that's writing this crap)

Ahgdjdhwbsowhdbedjaihwjdbdjxiwh! Why am I so nervous?! I mean sure, he has been my crush for a while now but he just sees this as friends, right? He semi-dragged me all the way to my house as I was still questioning what was happening.

"You're walking too fast." I complained. "You really think my short ass legs can keep up with you?" I opened the door and we walked inside.

"(Y/N), you came home earlier than usual." Mom said walking up to us. She looked over to Bakugo and her eyes widened. "Oh! Your name is um, Katsuki Bakugo, correct?"

"Yes that is me Ms. (L/N)." He said respectfully.

She looked at him, then at me, then at him again. "What is a handsome young man like yourself doing with my ugly ass daughter?"

"The disrespect that I face in this household!" I yelled. "Damn mother. I know you think I'm ugly but that hurts."

I could hear Bakugo snickering next to me.

"Anyway, I was just about to leave for work so I'll see you later tonight." She grabbed her purse and put on her shoes at the door. "There should be some leftovers in the fridge or you could order something. Take care and don't do anything stupid." With that, she left and we could hear her car turning on.

"Why did you want to come to my house again?" I asked. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs. "I can walk you know."

"You'll take too long." He responded. We reached my bedroom. "Sit on your bed." I did as I was told. He went rummaging through my closet, avoiding my underclothes, and pulled out an outfit.

"The outfit's cute but why a skirt?" I asked looking at it

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"The outfit's cute but why a skirt?" I asked looking at it. "And how the hell are you so good at choosing outfits?"

"Don't ask. Hurry up and change!" He yelled. I gave him an 'are you serious' look.

"So are you just gonna stand there or do I have to go to the bathroom?" I asked. He scoffed and went outside. I locked the door after him and changed into the clothes that he picked out.

"What now?" I asked walking out to meet Bakugo. Once he saw me, I could notice that there was a little bit of blush on his face.

"I need to go to my house to change too." He said.

"Alright, let's get going then Baku- I mean Katsuki." I whispered his name. "It's so weird calling you your first name instead of last name."

"Y-yeah..." 'DID HE JUST FUCKING STUTTER?!' I thought to myself.

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