LXII. Farewell

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Chapter Sixty-Two

"Can we trust Senator Barrett's word?" Master Windu asks Obi Wan, leaning forward in his chair and resting his elbows on his knees.

Obi Wan nods. "Queen Daulton has worked with him many times, she trusts him. That's good enough for me."

"For me, as well." Master Yoda says, his blue hologram shimmering as he turns towards Obi Wan. "Lead the campaign on Utapau, Master Obi Wan should."

Master Windu nods. "I agree."

"Has there been any new developments with the Chancellor, Skywalker?" Master Luninara asks.

I lean back in my council seat, shaking my head, avoiding their gazes as I respond; "He has talked of nothing but the war coming to an end. He is eager for peace to resume."

"Has he made any indication of interfering with our affairs?"

"He requested I be the one to lead the campaign on Utapau, but I already know what that answer is going to be," I say curtly, daring to meet Master Windu's cold stare. "But besides that, he has said nothing else."

Master Windu ignores my comment from before, looking back at Master Yoda. I stare at them both, at all the Jedi in fact. The worry and concern in their eyes when I was asked if the Chancellor was planning anything, the tone in Windu's voice as he asked if the Chancellor meant to meddle in Jedi affairs. They sound so arrogant, so high on a pedestal. They are afraid to loose their power, just like the Chancellor said. Maybe the war would have been over long ago if the Jedi focused more on helping people than on their own need for authority.

Master Windu's voice is stern, his eyes glancing my way, concern in his gaze as he says; "Council adjourned."


Obi Wan asked me to accompany him to his ship after the meeting was over, so I obliged him. I can feel his worry for me, his anger for the council's decisions as of late. It makes me feel some comfort that the chancellor isn't the only one on my side, but then again, Obi Wan has always been on my side.

"You're going to need me on this one, Master." I tell him as we step outside the temple.

Obi Wan nods. "I agree, but hopefully it won't take long. Once Grevious is taken care of, things will be different, Anakin. I promise."

I shake my head, looking out towards the miles parked ships in front of the temple, with scrambling clones all around them, preparing for the battle to come. I should be there with them, I should be helping. But the council doesn't think I can. "I doubt the war ending will change how they view me. They've always held me back, they've never believed in me or trusted me."

Obi Wan doesn't say anything, because what can he say? He knows I'm right, even if he won't admit it. I can feel his sympathy for me and disappointment for the council. But Obi Wan is still wrapped up in the idea of what the Jedi stand for, as I once was, that he excuses their behavior. I'm done making excuses for them. But their behavior isn't his fault, and sometimes I think he takes that fault upon himself, especially when it comes to me.

"Master, I feel like I haven't been very appreciative of your training," I begin, stoping my pace a few feet from the stairs that descend down to the ships. Obi Wan stops as well, his robes swishing at his sides as he turns to face me fully. "I've been so frustrated with the council, more so than usual, but none of that frustration is towards you. You have always believed in me, always trusted me. I can't be more grateful to call you my master."

Obi Wan smiles widely, stepping forward and placing his hand on my shoulder, his gaze soft as it meets mine. "You have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be, and it won't take long before the council sees it too. You just have to be patient."

Obi Wan turns around to leave, descending down the first couple steps. I take one step forward and call out his name, making him turn back to me again.

I bow my head to my master. "May the force be with you."

"Farewell, my friend. May the force be with you." He says with another smile, before continuing down the stairs to meet with Commander Cody and his other troops.


"Everything will be alright." Obi Wan's voice says down to Fallon, who is glistened with sweat, shaking, her eyes glazed over in pain.

"Hold my hand...please hold my hand." Fallon says to someone else, but this person grips onto her tightly, watching her as she lets out another scream of agony.

"We have to do something! We have to help her!" Another voice says, a female voice.

Obi Wan's voice is low, filled with sorrow and loss as he says; "There is nothing we can do."

The screams of Fallon drown out the voices of the other people, filling my like a dam that has just been broken. All I see is her face, all I hear are her screams, all I feel is her pain.

I jolt awake, Fallon's face being the first thing I see. She is leaning over me, a look of concern on her face, her hand cupping my face gently.

"Another nightmare?"

I shake my head, sitting myself up, trying to distract myself from the sound of her screams, from the feel of her pain, the look of despair in her eyes.

"Ani, talk to me," She says, kneeling down to be at my eye level. "I know how much stress you've been under lately, with you spying on Palpatine, but I can tell there's something else going on. Tell me."

She brings her hand up from my cheek and begins to run her fingers through strands of my hair, slowly beginning to calm me down. I look down at her stomach, at our baby that grows more and more everyday. Such a miracle, such a blessing that brings so much fear and dread along with it.

"I feel lost," I confess to her. "The council doesn't trust me, they don't believe in me, never have. For so long I've tried to be the Jedi they want me to be, but I can't. They keep me from being myself, from reaching my full potential. I...I want more, Fal. I know I shouldn't, but I do."

Fallon sees straight through me, as she always does. Her voice is serious, matter of fact as she infers; "This is about me, about your mother, about the nightmares. Anakin, you've always expected too much of yourself. You may be the chosen one, but that prophecy doesn't give you the power to bend the fabric of nature to your will. Sometimes things are out of our control, and sometimes, a dream is just a dream."

I shake my head, my voice now turning serious as I tell her; "I think I found a way to save you."

"Save me? I don't need saving. Child birth won't kill me, I'm strong enough."

No you're not. I want to say that, but I don't. Fallon is a stubborn person, and she will never admit to being wrong. It's one of the many reasons I love her, but in this case, she is wrong. I can feel it, just like I could feel that my mother wasn't strong enough, that I wasn't strong enough...

"What do you think will save me, Ani?" Fallon asks tentatively.

"I need to think about some things, evaluate the situation. But I swear to you, Fal, I'm going to save you. You won't meet the same fate my mother and Ashoka did. I...I can't bear to think about it."

Fallon leans forward and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her head in my shoulder. I hold onto her just as tightly, forgetting about the hard choices and bloodshed in the galaxy. For a moment, all that matters is the three of us, our little family. And as I hold onto my wife, my child, I make a vow that I won't fail this time. I'll be strong enough to save them both.

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