LXV. Genevieve & Jayce

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Chapter Sixty-Five
Obi Wan

Once I break through the surface of the water, I begin coughing, gasping for air as I swim towards the rocky side of the mountain which the city is built into. Once I reach the mountain side, I pull myself up, grunting slightly from the soreness of my muscles from hitting the water from so high up. As I begin to climb, I hear the familiar beeping of a droid flying by. I look around and find a small droid scanning the water, no doubt looking for me.

The main level of the city is just a few more feet above me, so with a deep breath, I push myself off the side of the mountain, launching myself onto the platform above. I thankfully make it, trying to keep quiet as I scramble to my feet, hiding behind a large crate of ammunition.

This was the platform I saw Commander Cody and my men on. I see him standing a few feet away, talking to someone on a holo projector. I look around me briefly to see if anyone is watching, finding no one around. Deeming it safe enough to leave, I sneak behind another crate of weapons, trying to hear what the commander is discussing, and with whom.

"We cannot find his body, my lord," Cody says darkly, almost robotically. "No one could have survived that fall though."

The holo projector shows a hooded man, his gravely, sickly as he replies; "His death is more imperative than perhaps any other Jedi. We need to be certain he is dead," the hooded man contemplates this for a moment before ordering my commander; "Contact Commander Dawn on Taris. Tell him to hold Queen Daulton captive, set a trap for Kenobi. If he is alive, he will come for her."

"And if he is dead? What shall I tell Dawn to do with the queen?"

"If he's dead then she is of no use to me. Once you find Kenobi's body, or if Kenobi shows up on Taris, five Commander Dawn the order to kill Genevieve Daulton and her brat of a son, but leave Fallon Priya alive."

Cody nods. "Yes, my lord."

I sink back against the crate I hide behind, feeling my breaths growing shallower by the second. That hooded man, he has to be Darth Sidius, the dark lord we have been hearing about since the beginning of the war. That is the only explanation, how else would he know about Genevieve, about the one sure way to lure me into a trap.

Genevieve...Jayce...Darth Sidius is going to kill them both.

No, no he won't. I won't let him. Darth Sidius underestimates me, he knows nothing about love or loyalty, only power. This dark lord may be in power now, clearly he is given my men's new allegiance and his vendetta against me, but his reign will be short. As long as even one Jedi lives, he will never win. I will make sure he doesn't win.

Pushing myself off of the crate I hide behind, I run towards a ship nearby, careful not to draw any attention from myself. As I slip into a starfighter, I try not to let my mind worry about Genevieve or Jayce, I try to think rationally, not let my fear get the best of me. It's hard though. How does one stay calm and rational when someone threatens your family?

I must though, I must find a way, for both of their sakes.



Commander Dawn makes his way into the throne room rather abruptly, making me whip my head towards him. Fallon and I have been discussing our recent meeting with the local healers about manufacturing costs, but all thoughts about that slip from my mind as I see the look on Dawn's face.

"Commander, what is it? Is something wrong?" I ask him, my concern growing as more clones flood into the throne room.

"Your majesty, I order you and Ms. Priya to sit down in front of the throne, but keep your hands out before you to be bonded."

FORBIDDEN ATTACHMENTS ─ star wars Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora