XIV. Naboo

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Chapter Fourteen

"So Dooku is behind all of this?" I ask, still at a loss for words. Obi Wan and I are sitting in the ship Satine gave us. We're practically moments away from arriving at Naboo. "Why would he be sending our supplies to Geonosis?"

"Don't worry, you Majesty. We'll find out."

Obi Wan looks at his padawan, shaking his head. "Geonosis could be where Dooku is hiding out, where he's based at. You and Fallon are not going alone."

Anakin glares at his master. "We are more than capable. The people are starving, we need to do someth—"

"No," Obi Wan says curtly. "I know you're powerful, Anakin. I know. But no one can face the entire separatist regime alone. When we get to Naboo I will contact the council and see how they want to move forward. Now that we know Dooku is trying to start a war and killed a monarch to do it, I'm certain he'll get what he wants."

"So you think we'll go to Geonosis with an army?" Fallon now asks, fear evident in her voice.

"Let's hope that won't happen. I have faith that the Republic will figure out a solution," I tell her, offering her a small smile. "Let's not loose hope."

"Anakin, Fallon, I want you to go back to Taris and wait for me to contact you again. Tell Aiden what's happened and make sure he keeps us informed of when Dooku contacts him."

Anakin reluctantly nods. "Yes, Master. Be careful."

Obi Wan smiles down at him, as do I. "You, too." He says, clicking off the transmission.

I feel my body relax slightly as the familiar blue and green planet comes into view. As a child I would come and visit Padmé and her family here all the time. Especially while she was queen. But now it has been a few years since I've been here. Both Padme and I have been so busy, it's hard to get away. Even if the circumstances aren't great, I am glad to be back.

"You have been here before, Obi Wan?" I ask him.

Obi Wan nods slowly. "While Naboo was under the Trade Federation's control, I was helping Senator Amidala win her planet's freedom back. It's been ten years now..."

Obi Wan's voice has grown rather quiet. I feel concern rise in me, pushing me to ask; "You sound solemn. Did something happen on Naboo?"

He nods, his eyes glued to the planet in front of us. "My Master died here. He was killed by a Sith named Darth Maul."

I feel my eyebrows knit together. "You have mentioned Sith before. What's a Sith?"

"They are the opposite of the Jedi. They wield the dark side of the force, use their anger and passion as fuel for their power. They are a slave to their emotions."

"And is that why the Jedi are taught to control their emotions? To not form any attachments?"

He nods.

"With the force there is no middle ground? There is only accepting your emotions fully or not having them at all?"

"A long time ago there were a form of Jedi called the Grey Jedi. I don't know much about them or what they did, but they were taught the light and the dark side of the force. Some of the Jedi used to say that my master, Qui Gon Gin, should have been a Grey Jedi. He went against the rules too often and disagreed with the methods the Jedi used."

"Why didn't he? Become a Grey Jedi I mean?"

Obi Wan shrugs, glancing over at me as he descends into the atmosphere. "There haven't been Grey Jedi for millennia. Someone would have to form a new order and start a temple where those methods are taught."

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