XLVI. The Right Thing

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Chapter Forty-Six

It's amazing what war does to people. The citizens of the galaxy are starving, angry, and suffering more than anyone else in this war is. The senate sit in their offices pretending they know what's best for the people, having never seen how the war is affecting them with their own eyes. And the Jedi have changed the most. Obi Wan, Ashoka, and I came into the council chambers today hoping that they would agree to send aid to Mandalore. After all, there are millions of innocent lives there and our job is to protect them, no matter what the law says. But I was wrong. I should have known.

"Mandalore is neutral," Master Windu says simply. "We are a military of the republic and therefore we have to abide by their rules."

"That shouldn't matter," I snap. "We have a duty to protect the innocent and that includes the people of Mandalore."

Master Windu doesn't look too pleased with my statement. His voice is curt, authoritative as he tells me; "The Duchass did not specify what exactly is happening on Mandalore. She did not say it was separatists, and if it were, I assume she would have said so. She has guards, she has men who can handle internal affairs. She chose to stay neutral in the war and we have to honor that decision."

"Only now she is the one begging for our help. Being the pacifist she is, don't you think she wouldn't have asked for our help if she didn't truly need it."

Obi Wan has been silent since he first explained the situation to the council. I can sense a conflict in him, a war between what he wants to do and what the council wants him to do. I know the feeling all too well. But unlike him, I'm not afraid to show that struggle. The council should know that they are making a mistake, they should know that if something happens to the people of Mandalore, it's on their hands.

"We have made our decision, young Skywalker," Windu says, a finality in his voice. "This is beneath our concern and until the senate says otherwise, we will stay out of this affair."

I feel my metal hand clench at my side, feel my nostrils flare in anger. Just when I begin to think the council will make the right decision, they do the opposite. I glance at Snips by my side, finding her eyes are already glued onto me. She always has a way of knowing what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling, more so than Obi Wan ever could.

I bow my head to the council members, walking out of the council chambers without another word. Ashoka follows behind me, only speaking once the doors have closed behind us.

"What are we going to do?"

I let out a sigh, giving a forced smile to my padawan. "If the council won't give us permission to go, then maybe a friend of mine will."

Ashoka already knows who I mean. "The chancellor?"

I nod. "He can authorize us going to Mandalore. He's a good man, he'll see that this is the right thing to do."

Ashoka nods slowly, crossing her arms. "Do you think Obi Wan will come with us? Disobey the council's orders?"

I nod firmly, a small smile forming on my lips. "I have a feeling Obi Wan is going to consult a friend of his own. She'll give him the push he needs."


Obi Wan

Being back on Taris feels like finally being able to breathe again. I have not been back here for several weeks now, and my last visit only lasted three days. This is the reality of the war; I am home for a few days and then gone for several weeks. It's been hard to be away from here, away from Genevieve. I look forward to these moments; me walking down the hall of past monarchs towards the throne room, seeing the nod of respect from her palace guards as they open the doors to reveal Genevieve sitting on her throne.

She is discussing something with her clone commander and Fallon. She's wearing a floor length, off shoulder olive green chest, with a matching cape that drapes across her bare shoulders, and her hair is pulled up and clipped by green leaf shaped hair clips. She looks beautiful, she's always beautiful. Just being around her takes my breath away.

One of the guards announces my presence, causing the three of them to look my way. Genevieve tries to hide her smile, but doesn't do it well. She looks to Commander Dawn and Fallon, keeping her voice calm. "May I have a moment with Master Kenobi, please?"

Dawn and Fallon both bow to Genevieve, making their way towards the door. As Fallon passes me, she gives me a very brief hug, whispering to me that's she glad to see me. I tell her the same, more than happy to see my friend again.

Once the doors shut behind them, once the two of us are alone, Genevieve's smile breaks over her whole face. She runs across the throne room, launching herself into my arms. I hold onto her tightly, picking her up off the ground and spinning her once. As I set her down she brings her hands up to my face, bringing my lips down to hers. I melt into the kiss, bunching the material of her dress in my hands as I hold her closer to me, never wanting to let go.

She pulls back from me after a few moments, running her fingers through my hair, her smile as bright as the sun shining through the window. "I've missed you so much." She whispers to me.

"And I, you," I whisper back, brushing my fingers across her cheek. "I wish I were here for longer, but I can't stay long."

She nods, her brown eyes searching mine as she says; "The council said no, didn't they? They won't let you go to Mandalore."

I shake my head, letting out a sigh. "Unfortunately, no. I had hoped they would say differently, but they refuse to act without the senate. Anakin was more upset about it than anyone. I know him, he'll go to Mandalore no matter what."

"Well aren't you? You're going to Mandalore right?"

"I don't know. This is a very difficult situation and the decision I make could have dire consequences."

My wife brings her hands down to my shoulders, looking me firmly in the eyes. "The consequences of not going to Mandalore could mean the deaths of Satine and her people. You are not the council, you are not the senate. You get to decide what you do in this life, and I know that my husband will do what's right no matter what that means for him."

I smile down at her, knowing that she's right. We both know what I'm going to do, and I don't have to say it for her to know what my decision is.

Genevieve shakes her head. "I only wish I could go with you. But even though I cannot fight on Mandalore with you, I will head for Coruscant immediately and fight on Satine's behalf in the senate. Perhaps Padmé, Aiden, and my combined efforts will accomplish something. Do me a favor will you? Bring Fallon along? She isn't a politician and she'll do more good fighting along with you three."

I nod, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair. "I will. I'm sure Anakin will appreciate Fallon tagging along."

"When will you leave for Mandalore?" She asks softly. "How much time do we have?"

My smile grows. "I'll call Anakin and tell him we will leave in a few hours. In the mean time, I want to be with you."

Genevieve leans up on her toes and locks her arms around my neck, kissing my lips gently and dropping her voice lower. "Let's savor every moment."

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