Tony let out a loud laugh and Peter made his way into his part of the lab, slipping his backpack off his shoulders.

"Come on, Underoos, don't be upset," Tony said as Peter continued to ignore him. With a groan of annoyance Tony turned to Rhodey, "Come on, Sourpatch, let's get working on those upgrades."

Tony and Rhodey gathered around the table littered with blueprints for the War Machine armor.
As the two were absorbed in their conversation Peter made his way over to Hot Dog's corner.

Rhodey looked up at Peter,the kid was watering his plant. Why was the kid watering the plant?

"Tony? Isn't that plant........?" Rhodey began to ask but was cut off as Tony threw a wrench at him.

"Ow!" Rhodey called out in pain.

"Ssssssshhhhhhhhh," Tony shushed him with a glare. Rhodey let out a loud guffaw once he realized just why his friend had hit him.

    "......he doesn't know that," but Rhodey was interrupted by Peter as he was asking another question.

   "What's going on?"

   "Nothing kid, don't worry about it," Tony answered with a wave of his hand. Peter shrugged his shoulders and retrieved his backpack from the floor. The teenager opened the bag and began to slowly grab different items, arranging them around Hot Dog.

   The two adults watched in confusion as the younger superhero took out a page of hot-dog related stickers and stuck them to the pot. He also seemed to take out two letters, and with squinted eyes the two Avengers could see the names 'Ned' and 'MJ' scribbled on the envelopes. Peter also got out his wallet and dumped out a handful of change onto the table, spreading out the pile around the plant.

    "Pete.....?" Tony began to ask after a few moments, "What are-, what are you doing?"

    Rhodey leaned over to his best friend, "I think your kid's broken, Tones. You might need to reboot him."

   After a quiet shut up from Tony, Rhodey backed off.

    "It's a shrine, Mr. Stark." Peter said said with an obvious tone of voice, "Hot Dog deserves the best, do you have anything to offer him?"

    Rhodey quietly began to splutter broken sentences, but what silenced by Tony once again. "Sure kid," he said as he reached into his back pocket for his wallet and pulled out a five dollar bill.

Peter's eyes grew wide, "Oh! No, Mr. Stark! It's okay!" and he let out a nervous laugh, "It's just a joke!"

"Nonsense, kid. Now move out of the way and let me pay my respects." Peter could only nod as Mr. Stark almost shoved him out of the way.

Rhodey was in shock, how could his best friend change so much? He just didn't understand.

Oh well, he thought as he also pulled out five dollars, whatever makes his friend's kid happy.


Eventually the shrine for Hot Dog began to grow, and Peter knew it was all Mr. Stark's fault. He had tried to return the money to the engineer but he only got the reply, "I'm a billionaire, kid. Where else is my money supposed to go?"

The others had written letters to Hot Dog too, which was very surprising. Bucky's was by far Peter's favorite.

Dear Hot Dog,
I do not understand you, you are not alive like the tree. But you are my mission assist's friend (?) friend's friend. Therefore, I will write this letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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