New Faces

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Ding Ding Ding

Ahh that familiar bell chime~ It meant someone just entered your book store!

You walk over to the front from the shelves as you finished organizing the books in that section.

"Ah Hello! Welcome!" You smile and bow, two people had entered your store, a very tall and broad man for lack of a better term, dressed in a white outfit with some golden dolphin and "J" pins he was with a young girl dressed in a cute pale blue dress with white frills standing a little behind his legs.

Poor girl looked nervous and the man seemed tired, you walked up to the pair and bent down to meet the girl at eye level.

"Ahhh hello there! What's your name?" You smile,

"J-jo-Jolyne...Jolyne K-kujo..." poor girl seemed a little set off by you,

"Hmm you know a little fairy gave me a special hair clip this morning, and she told me to give it to a beautiful and special little girl! Would you like to see it?" You say with a twinkle in your eye,

"A fairy? A hair clip? Yes please!" This cute 7 year old girl stepped out from behind her fathers legs and approached you, you reach behind your back, the man flinched from your action and was about to take his daughter back, you look up send him a reassuring wink. You hold out a beautiful blue and green butterfly hair clip to Jolyne.

Her eyes sparkled with wonder and amazement, she wore an ear to ear smile. She reached for it but quickly retracted her hands.

"You said beautiful and special...I don't think that's me..." her smile faded, you place the hair clip gently in her hair,

"Jolyne, I knew the fairy meant for me to give this to  you the second you walked in, I have no doubts about it! See? You look absolutely adorable~" you pull a mirror down from the counter and hold it up so Jolyne could see herself. She quickly became happy again, she jumped on to you and hugged you.

"Aww" you pat her back gently,

"Jolyne..." the man spoke seemingly embarrassed over his daughter's actions.

"Oh! Sorry!" She backs up from you, you place the mirror back on the counter,

"That's alright, so what kind of book are you looking for Jolyne?" You ask

"How about...a butterfly book?" She chirped,

"Aww sounds lovely~ come I'll show you" you lead Jolyne to the children's section, her father disappeared into the shelves.

"Oh and when you're done reading there are some coloring pages and crayons and markers on that table for you to use!" You pat Jolyne's head and walk to the counter to file some books into their place.

As you walked down to the marine life section you bump into Jolyne's father. The books you were holding knocked you off balance, he managed to catch the books with one arm and grab you by the hand with the other.

You felt your heart slow down in this second of time. You quickly snap yourself back to reality, you take the books from his arm,

"Thank you Mister Kujo! U-Um have you found what your looking for?" You say a little flustered,

"Actually, I was thinking you could help me." He spoke with an unreadable tone,

"Oh of course! How can I help you?" You tuck some hair behind your ear,

"I was looking for some books about the local marine life here, there aren't too many records about it in this area." His voice was deep and smooth,

"Oh! I actually have some right here!" You smile and pull out a book from the stack you were carrying, you hold it out for him.

"Here! Try this out! These all are actually related to what you are looking for!" You nod, he takes the books from your arms,

"I'll look through these thank you." He said

"Take your time!" You bow and turn around,

Ding Ding Ding

"Heyyyyy (Y/N)! You herrrreeee?" A voice called out, how could you ever forget it,

"Ah! Josuke! You here for this weeks Jump issue?" You rush up to the young boy,

"Of course! Ahhh you know me so well~" Josuke laughed, you run up to the counter and pull a copy of the Jump issue for this week, and hold it out to him, he tried to snatch it but you pulled it back.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Josuke Josuke cannot simply just snatch the weekly issue, they must ask politely!"

"Uhhhggg, Oh please mighty (Y/N) may I obtain this week's issue? Pretty please?" Josuke wore that cute and stupid grin of his.

"Hmmm fine! Let me ring you up at the counter little Josuke~" you laugh and head behind the counter to let Josuke pay for his book, once he paid he turned around and was greeted by Mister Kujo.

"Woah! Oh! Hey Jotaro! Sup Jolyne! Why are you two here?" Josuke asked, guess they know each other...

"Buying some come here often Josuke?" Mister Kujo raised an eyebrow,

"Yeah! Old (Y/N) here says I'm her best costumer!" Josuke chuckled

"OLD?! I'm only 27!" you pout and glare at the teen boy,

"27?! Hey...then you're only a year younger than Jotaro here!" Josuke looked at you a little surprised,

"Oh is that so?" you smile, Jotaro placed down a stack of books on the counter, Jolyne slide a butterfly book on the counter with a colored in page of a butter fly on top.

"Yare yare daze...Josuke aren't you supposed to meet with Koichi and Okuyasu today..." Jotaro siged,

"O-oh! Right! Cya (Y/N)!" he called out as he ran out the door, you laugh as he runs out of view.

"Alright! Let's get you scanned in!" You scanned in all the books, while Jotaro was paying you picked up the coloring page Jolyne gave you, she colored in the butterfly the same as the hair clip you gave her.

"Aww Jolyne~ Is this for me?" you felt your heart melt,

"Flip it over!" she said with a giddy jump, you flip over the paper and it said "Let's be Friends!!" in 7 year old hand writing,

"My friends call me Jojo, I don't have many you can call me Jojo!" she smiled,

"Of course! I hope to see you again Jojo!" you giggle, and gently load the books into a cloth bag for Jotaro to carry home.

"Thank you for stopping by! Mister Kujo, you and your daughter are welcome anytime!" you smiled and gazed into his eyes, he tipped his hat down

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind, Miss (Y/N)" he said, must've picked up your name from Josuke yelling it.

You hold the drawing Jolyne gave you and pin it on a board behind the counter.

"So those were the two new faces I kept seeing around~ How nice..."

Ethereal Connection (Jotaro Kujo X ChubbyReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora