WDS Chapter 6 ChRiStMaS eDiTiOn!- Christmas morning at the Burrow...

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Okay guys I decided I'd give a holiday gift to you guys with this Christmas chapter.

Now I know that this is supposed to take place during the summer... but I really love the holidays so I wanted to put this in. Sorry!

dIsClAiMeR: i DoN't OwN tHe ChArAcTeRs ThAt AwEsOmE pEoPlE sUcH aS jK rOwLiNg OwN aLrEaDy.


Christmas morning at the Burrow...

Scattered fragments of ripped wrapping paper were spread across the ground floor of the Burrow. The Weasleys were running around hurrying to pick up the mess before the guests arrived.

"Accio wrapping paper!" Ron said.

All the wrapping paper zoomed over to Ron and knocked him full in the face. He fell backwards onto the carpet.

"Really Ron?" Ginny asked sarcastically. "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The wrapping paper rose off from Ron. Then, it neatly flew into the trash bag.

"Whatever," grumbled Ron.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang. Mrs. Weasley rushed over to the door, straightening out her hair as she went.

"Hello Harry! Come on in! Hermione! Oh! Professor McGonagall, what a wonderful surprise!" Molly ushered the group in.

Once everybody had arranged themselves around the Christmas tree and after all the polite small talk, the conversation turned to the matter at hand.

"I'm sorry to intrude on you like this Molly, but I wanted to ask you if you had seen or heard anything about those interesting Muggles." McGonagall explained of her sudden appearance.

"I'm sorry Professor we haven't heard anything--"

Hermione was interrupted by a ripping noise coming from underneath the Christmas tree

Out of one of the presents slithered a green long skinny snake. It went straight over to Harry. To everyone besides Harry it sounded like,"sss sssssa".

To Harry it said,"Follow me and bring your friends."

Harry, forgetting for a moment his friends weren't Parseltounge and couldn't understand what he was saying, got up and started to go investigate the ripped opened package while the snake stayed next to him like a puppy dog.

"Umm... Harry... Can you tell us what it said mate? Because the whole pet snake thing is kinda freaking us out." George joked.

Snapping out of it Harry told his audience what the snake had told him.

"Well... Come on let's go!" Ron said.

After a half hour of hurried packing, the Weasleys plus Harry and Hermione were ready to go. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley were not going. Professor McGonagall was not going either.

"This is something you will have to do on your own." She said.

Not wanting to waste any time arguing, Harry walked over to the present.

At his touch, the paper folded back until it revealed a plumbing pipe covered by a manhole with a snake engraved on it.

Harry made a strangled hissing sound and the snake moved out of the way revealing the clear pathway.

"The Chamber of Secrets.." Harry said with a confused tone.


Happy holidays! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Hannukah! Melikili Makkah! Sorry if I missed any of the holidays.

Here is my gift to you. Have a happy new year!!


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