i appreciate you.

2.4K 31 2

Hey you don't have to read this but we just got 1k views on this oneshot series and honestly this is probably one of the biggest achievements of my life (right next to when I didn't fall over during a sack race as a kid) and yes I know that's sad, don't remind me. Anyway. Just know I appreciate ever single one of you even if you find me fucking irritating and wanna rip my eyes out, at least you are here.
So thanks.
I have a cool idea but it's probably actually real stupid but if you give me into on your oc characters I can put them in future oneshots. Idk, I just thought it would be cool and I really like looking at people's oc. Is this weird? Probably.
ANywAy. Thanks again.
Remember to look after yourself and whatever shut is going on right now isn't permanent.
This trashy human being. :')

creek Oneshots (tweekxcraig)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя