Animal hybrids

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South park is a weird town. Not just because of all the insane and unbelievable shot that goes down there but also because of something the town kept secret. Years ago there had been an incident involving radiation and a virus which ended up causing genetic mutations. People eventually had kids who were born with these mutations and generation to generation they were passed down to the point were it wasn't weird for the people of South park anymore. Each person was individual. It didn't matter what animal your parents were, it was kinda based off personality. Anyway, high school was starting back up in South park and all the kids were buzzing, many having gone through significant changes throughout the holidays and now many of them had new abilities and features. Smells flooded the halls, new pheromones and scent coming off of people and everybody was going a bit wild to be honest. Except Craig's group of course. Their registration group was a mass of noise yet they just say there passing notes to each other, wordlessly communicating. Finally, Mr Mackey walked into the classroom and called everyone down. Mr Mackey was a Bush Baby and had the giant creepy eyes to prove it. He took the register and this is how it went.
Eric Cartman - raccoon
Kyle Broflovski - squirrel
Stanley Marsh - German shepherd
Kenny Mcormick - Rabbit
Leopold ' Butters ' Stotch - Mouse
Wendy Testaburger - Sheep
Bebe Stevens - hamster
Craig Tucker - cat
Token Black - bear
Jimmy Valmer - stag
Clyde Donovan - Beagle
Tweek Tweak - Guinea Pig
Most of the class were prey animals but there were the odd predator and most of them had their urges under control. The predators were: Eric, Stan, Craig, Token and Clyde. One big prejudice the school children had was against prey and predator dating which made no sense. Which is why Tweek was majorly bullied. He was dating Craig Tucker. Nobody would touch Craig, nobody dared lay a finger on him. Craig had a reputation for using his teeth, claws and hyper reflexes. Tweek however was an easy target due to his genetics. Being a guinea pig wasn't great for his self esteem. Instead of having all the cool abilities like everyone else he had other abilities. Craig had amazing reflexes, flexibility, speed, always landed on his feet, claws, sharp gangs and the classic cat ears and tail. Token was strong as hell and had amazing instincts. Clyde sense of smell was unmatched and his energy was impressive albeit annoying as all hell. Kenny could jump extremely high and could burrow. Eric was just A nasty piece of thieving work. Tweek refused to use his ability. He had tiny ears nestled into his hair and his tail only slightly stick out of the hole he cut into his jeans, he had massive watery green eyes and was extremely warm and had a mothering instinct for some goddamn reason. Mostly he was bullied for being feeble and prey whist his boyfriend was big and strong and a predator.
" Hey Fluffy! Where is your kitty? He leave you yet. I hope so! " Cartman jeered across the canteen. A heavy sigh fell from Tweek's lips, he was waiting for Craig at their usual table eating his sunflower seeds and almonds when Eric started to pick on him. The shouts continued and Tweek was losing patience. "I don't know why your boyfriend puts up with your weak, pathetic self. " Tweek snapped. "Shut up you run of lard. At least I have someone to love and even if I am weaker physically at least I'm not as sense as your stupid ass!" Tweek's hand flew up to cover his mouth after the sharp words flew out of his mouth with surprising venom. Eric missed angrily as he stood and walked over to Tweek . Eric gripped the small boy's collar and lifted him off of the ground. Craig walked in and was about to intervene and jump between the two when Jimmy and Token stopped him. Something was going on. Tweek's eyes slowly started glowing a soft rose colour and Eric became uncomfortable under the intense stare. Suddenly Tweek was released and Eric walked up to Kenny and started snuggling up to him and chattering softly! Craig ran over partially angry and partially confused as fuck. Everyone looked toward Tweek for an explanation as to Cartman's sudden change in attitude. "Tweek what the hell was that!?" Craig proclaimed loudly whilst hugging his boyfriend . Tweek mumbled in response. "What do you mean your ability makes people super affectionate and can make people feel like they are in mating season sometimes!?" Craig yelled in shock. Gasps echoed around the silent eating hall. Who knew a tiny, ' weak' guinea pig could have such an influential power. Everyone looked toward Kenny and cartman. Butters was trying to help Kenny peel off cartman who was hugging Kenny so tight. "S-sorry 'bout that K-kenny ! He'll go back to normal in a couple hours!" The other blonde glared at Tweek with ferocity . Tweek sheepishly smiled. Craig grabbed his tiny boyfriend by the waist and hoisted him up onto his shoulder and carried the rather irritated and flustered guinea pig to his house, slipping the rest of the day and completely abandoning their friends to deal with an overly hormonal and lovey-dovey Cartman. Craig couldn't care less he had plans for his boyfriend's newfound ability.

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