chapter 7

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2 Hours later....

I finally woke up , then I took a quick shower. I got out the shower, I went to my closet find me a dress to where.

I found a dark blue dress with the back out and short length and grab my dark blue wedges. I got dress , I only had 10 minutes before the ceremony started. I put some light makeup on.

*10 mintues later *

I went downstairs , i seen everybody was sitting down patiently. My dad wave for me to sit on stage with my mom and him. When I sat down my dad started the ceremony.

My dad said " we are here today because im giving my alpha title to my wonderful strong daughter and because im getting old"

I gasp because I felt all the alpha power went into me. My dad sat down and I went towards where my dad was just at.

I said " hey so im happy that I get to become a alpha female , I make sure I will die protecting yall because all of you are my pack and my family thank you ."

Everybody was clapping, and some was crying. I felt proud about my speech my dad came up to me and gave me hug because he was proud .

"everybody be quite " I said

My dad said " I need blake and luke to come up here "

Blake amd luke walk up to stage and bowed their head for respect.

"do you promise to protect the pack and respect it. Do you promised to not betray our pack.

They said in unisoned " we promise to protect the pack and not betray it."

Everybody clap , then my dad stand up everybody got quiet.

My dad said " we are allies with the blue moon pack , they are imviting us to a party that starts in 20 minutes so everybody lets go."

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