Abby cast him a sharp look. "Don't call me Tremors, short stack."

"Hey, I'm not short," Jason rebuffed angrily.

"Whatever you say, half-pint."

Dick cleared his throat purposefully, looking to Jason, "So, uh, Jason. How long have you and Bruce been...?"

"Together?" Jason finished inquisitively.

"That sounds legal," Abby muttered under her breath.

Jason spoke over her comment, "Eh, almost a year."

Dick's eyebrows quirked and Abby let out a low whistle. He looked to the woman in the seat beside him, "Almost a year."

Jason nodded before continuing, "Yeah he caught me boosting cars. Guess I chose the wrong one..." his lips turned up mischievously, "or the right one."

Ava's head popped up. "Yeah, unlike every other living soul who literally hightails it at the sight of the Batsignal, Jason tried to steal the Batmobile's hubcaps."

Abby let out a choked laugh as Dick turned to Jason, glancing away from the road in surprise. "You tried to steal the Batmobile's hubcaps? And just like that, he took you in?"

"Guess he saw potential," Jason shrugged, voice losing it's arrogant edge.

Glancing over her shoulder, Abby's sarcastic comment died on her lips, her gaze softening as she saw the sincere expression on the boy's face.

She mustered up as much candour into her voice as she could, "Bruce is usually right about that kinda stuff. Besides," her voice took on a sly edge, "you can't turn out worse than Dick."

Dick let out an unsurprised scoff, muttering under his breath unimpressively, "Asshole."

Abby let out a laugh.

Jason smiled softly, before his attention reverted to Dick, "So, what do you think of the new suit? Upgrades are pretty sick, right? The new tunic is made with zylon fibres — six times stronger than kevlar."

"Wow," Abby drawled dryly, "Maybe you should've taken the bullet to the shoulder instead of me."

"Seriously, bro," Jason continued, sitting forwards, voice cocky, "You could hit me with a flame thrower from ten feet and I'd be like 'That all you got?'. I mean... no offence, bro, but you gotta admit the old suit was a little outdated."

Abby caught Dick's jaw tighten in the corner of her eye. "I don't know, half-pint, never been a fan of cheap knockoffs."

Dick's lips curled up into a faint smile and after a moment he glanced back at the duo with a frown, "How did you pair find us, anyway?"

"The tracker," Jason shrugged nonchalantly.

Abby and Dick exchanged a look. Dick's eyes hardened. "What tracker?"

Jason's brows knitted together. "In your arm?"

Dick's face fell slack, his voice emerging angry, "There's a fucking tracker in my arm?"

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