Chapter 6: Replacement

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Finishing the content in his glass speedily, Jason poured himself another glass and gulped it.

Sean grabbed the glass away from Jason's hold and quickly gave it to the bartender. "You've had too much to drink."

"Give it back," Jason grumbled in his slightly drunken state.


"Fine!" Jason gripped onto the bottle and drank straight from it.

"Aiyoh." Sean tried to take it away from Jason, but he swallowed the liquor like it was water.

"Give me another bottle," he uttered with a burp.

"Don't give it to him," Sean intervened.

"Argh!" Jason snatched Simon's glass and finished what was in it. "Why did he have to come and ruin everything?" He slurred with pinkish cheeks. "Why did he have to leave if he bothered to come? Am I not worthy of his love? Do I not deserve to be loved? Why wouldn't he love me? Why...?"

"Poor thing," Bo commented. "He must really love Professor Zhu."

"Yohan was the love of his life," Sean explained. "He was all Jason would ever talk about."

"Then, why did they break up?"

"I'm not sure."

"Master Jason?" Simon addressed when his boss's head tipped on to his shoulder.

"He's out cold," Sean announced. "You should take him upstairs, Simon."

"What about the party?"

"Don't worry. I'll stay behind and see to it that it goes smoothly." Sean reassured.


"Do you need me to help you get him upstairs?" Bo offered.

"No, you stay here with Sean." Simon looped Jason's left arm over his own shoulders and clumsily made his way to the stairs. He managed to get to Jason's bedroom and plopped him down on the bed. Catching his breath, Simon turned around to gawk at Jason and a sigh escaped his lips. Yanking off Jason's shoes, he randomly threw them on the floor. He rolled up his sleeves and lifted Jason by the armpits to settle him higher on the mattress. Oh, that was quite a workout.

Hearing Simon's tortured grunts, Jason slowly opened his eyes.

A gasp emitted from Simon's lips when he discovered that Jason had awakened. "Master Jason."

Seeing a pair of widened eyes staring at him, Jason's gaze softened. He reached up to cup Simon's face and smiled with half-lidded eyes. Gradually gliding his hands behind Simon's shoulder, he pulled the lad in for a hug.

"M-Master..." Simon attempted to wiggle loose from Jason's hold, but to no avail.

"Don't leave me...please..." Jason pleaded.

Simon's body fell limp at Jason's words and allowed his boss to cuddle him closer. What is this feeling? His heart pounded rapidly in his ribcage. Simon never experienced love before, so this was all new to him. Was this feeling he was Or, was it merely sympathy for Jason? Parting his lips to speak, he pressed them shut when he didn't know what to say.

Jason suddenly flipped their positions all of a sudden, taking Simon by surprise. Without time to react, Simon felt Jason's lips on his. he doing? Simon panicked as his cheeks reddened in nervousness. "Mmph..." Struggling to push free, he opened his mouth for an intake of breath only for Jason to slip in his tongue. He could taste the red wine from Jason's breaths. Everything is spinning in front of me. What should I do? I'm so dizzy. Closing his eyes to calm his nausea, Simon felt Jason's affection sweeping him off his feet. Why do I feel drunk when he's the one who is drunk?

Jason drew away and traced his thumb over Simon's slightly swollen buds. "I love you," he declared as he gently brushed Simon's hair aside to reveal his astounding eyes.

"I am...Simon. I'm not Professor Zhu." He managed to say before Jason muffled his speech with another kiss.

Jason blinked drowsily and said with saddened eyes. " won't leave me."

Simon felt something wet dripping on his face and realized. He's crying. "I won't leave you," Simon vowed. Even if...I'm only his replacement.

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