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Chloe's POV

{trigger warning: abuse}

I feel nothing, I never expected my own father to take it this far, I want to escape.

"snap out of it" I hear someone growl making me flinch already knowing father is mad

"Please don't" I mumble out only for my head to snap to the left as he backhands me

"you are not strong enough" he growls out before starting the abuse, I no longer pay attention and instead I space out. I don't care what he does anymore I have had enough of this to know that to care what he does will only make it worse and by spacing out he feels like I am getting stronger when really it's only making me weaker.

"that's enough for today, I will see you tomorrow, think about how you yourself can get stronger so you don't have to make me do this anymore" he growls out making me snap back to reality as the door shuts, I don't deserve this though and I don't ask for this either nor am I making you dear father this is just how cruel you are.

{trigger warning over}

'john' i mumble in mind link

'what's up'

'help' i call out, I know I won't get a response instead he will just show up

"oh Chloe" john starts as he walks in the room

"save it" I growl out making him nod his head and start to clean me up

"what's the plan?" I question, John has been trying to help me work out how to get out of this situation but we need a loophole in the system

"I have been talking to dad in a roundabout way to see if there is any way and there is, apparently if one was to die at the hands at there own kid the next in line kid would take the spot but if there is no next in line kid and it can be proven it was in self-defence the kid would take over the council members spot and it would be forgotten about" John smiles

"do you think you can get a camera in here?" I question making john nod

"it will take a few days though" he sadly responds making me nod

"I can last a few more days" I smile

"thank you" I add on making john nod

"I better get out of here, I will get onto getting the camera now" he smiles before kissing my head and rushing off.

thank god this is almost over I think to myself before falling asleep.

A/N: I know this was a short chapter but things are about to get good i promise

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