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chloes pov

I leave my jeep and head inside the council house

"any news yet?" my father questions making me shake my head

"not yet sir" I mumble, I go to walk to my bedroom when a hand shoots out and grabs me

"What happened last night?" he questions making me close my eyes, father doesn't care about me I remind myself

"I was rejected that's all" I mumble out trying not to look weak, if I look weak I will be kicked out of the house and forced to go, rogue,

"I see, we will just have to arrange you to one of the members at your school, now go do your homework" he snaps before walking off, I hold a brave face as I go through the hallways until I go to my room, once in my room I immediately collapse on the floor and break down, I have had enough of acting strong. I am not a strong person and having to pretend I am strong is breaking me down inside.

after while I pull myself off the floor and do what I am told, I finish my homework in record time and slowly just lay in bed, I know soon enough I will be branded and I need to rest for that.

I hear someone banging on my door, I open it to see my father

"its time" he commands making me close my eyes and nod, I follow him down the hallway into the marking room before being strapped, if you are the next person to be in the council you get a brand to show it, I am the last to get it so I know how painful it is already.

I close my eyes as I feel the heat of the branding tool come close to me, even though I am expecting it nothing stops me from screaming as my life depends on it, I hear my father take a deep breath before I feel another brand on me, that's strange you only get one.

I slowly open my eyes, to find myself in my room I must have passed out during it all, I get up and pull my shirt up since they decided to brand my ribs to see the council symbol and a small symbol beside it that reads rejected. I close my eyes and sigh out, way to remind me every day that I'm not good enough, I change my clothing and head to the kitchen to eat

"I'm sorry hun" I hear john comment

"sorry that I was loud" I mumble making him shake his head

"let me see" I pull my shirt to the side and he takes in a deep breath

"That son of a bitch" he growls, john was the first to get his brand, his father is the leader of the council, so he will take over and once he has so will the rest of us.

"what?" I question making him shake his head

"they went deeper then they were meant to and they are not allowed to brand rejected onto your skin, your father is a piece of ass and I can't wait to take over" he grumbles

"when you take over can we change the mating law?" I question, john is my best friend and i can trust him with anything

"Why?" he questions, I motion to head into the conference room off the kitchen, the only soundproof room in the house

"Promise not to tell?" I question making him nod

"I got rejected because of the stupid law" I mumble making him stall


"my mate is an alpha, he had a child out of mating and the child is one of my students, I can't risk them being killed so i am not telling anyone but yea" I mumble making him nod and carefully pull me into a hug

"don't tell anyone but me that okay, once i am in i will immediately change that law, its a sick one anyway" he groans making me nod

we exit the room and i check the time

"I'm late for work, see you at school?" I question making him nod, i jump into my car and immediately rush to work.

"Sorry, I'm late" i call once i arrive into work, i notice my little boy sitting alone drawing.

"whats you drawing buddy?" i question making him look at me

"I'm drawing a wolf" he smiles making me nod

"that's awesome, I'm going to check on the other kids okay?"i don't get a response just a nod, after doing my rounds i head to the front desk

"is it okay if i just go to school today? I'm falling behind in math and need to talk to my teacher" i grumble out, its not true but I'm struggling in pain

"sure hun, be safe" i nod my head and leave the classroom and head straight to school.

"why you here early, before you ask i could sense you" john mumbles as i walk in the door, i close my eyes and lean against the wall

"you know pain, i think it got infected somehow" i groan out trying to stay awake.

"it looked fine earlier just deep, let me see" i look around and notice a few people in the hallway, i pull my shirt up to expose the brands only to hear john inhale a deep breath

"yea that's infected, looks like wolves vain has been put into it" john growls

"he wouldn't have would be?" i question in shock, i know my father hates me but i doubt he would do this knowing it could kill me

"i wouldn't put it past him, let's get you to my locker to see what we can do" i just nod my head and lean on john for support, i don't think i could walk straight if I did.

"sit" john commands making me slide my back down the lockers so that I am sitting on the floor.

"bite this, it's going to hurt more then it did to get it done but if I don't clean it" I stop him

"I know just get it done, please" I croak out before putting the fabric into my mouth, we really shouldn't be doing this in school but if it is wolves vain there is nothing we can do about it but wash it out. I close my eyes and bite down as hard as I can so that I don't scream, luck is on my side because I literally couldn't speak

"you doing okay?" john questions making me nod my head yes

"definitely wolves vein, the asshole" I nod my head as I feel johns hands on my body, I relax slightly knowing that he is banging me up.

"whats going on here?" I hear a familiar voice that makes me shiver in delight

"move along" John doesn't even lookup

"no I felt her pain and I want to know what is going on" he growls, john looks up at me in realization, I shake my head fast in a do not tell him motion before spitting the fabric out of my mouth and using it to mop up the wolves vein."

"I said move along" john hisses before helping me stand now that I am bandaged up, I pull my shirt down and feel my head start to flop to the side by instinct I grab john to steady myself.

"shit some of its left in there, we need to get you to the council house now" john hushes out before carefully laying me on the ground and grabbing everything

"you are on the council?" Adrian questions john

"yea, I'm next in line to be top dog" he snarls

"what about chole?" Adrian questions

"second in charge, we have to go" john growls before picking me up. stupid farthors.

rejected because of the lawWhere stories live. Discover now