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Chloe's POV

today's the day I think to myself ready to end the suffering that my father has put me through, the camera has been up and recording now for two days. Hence, I have plenty of evidence to show what has been happening to me, I know I could do the mature thing and just show the council everything but it won't stop my dad they will just side with him to protect themselves so this is the only way.

I haven't been able to talk to John since he set the camera up in the room so I just hope this goes smoothly

'you ready' i question my wolf as I start to hear my fathers' footsteps approach the room

'as I will ever be' she responds just as the door is opened and my father to walk in, he really isn't that smart to be keeping me locked up in my bedroom, I have no idea how the other council members are no wondering where I am for meetings.

"you are still not strong enough" he hisses almost like he is actually enjoying what he is doing

"because you keep weakening me, there are other ways to make me strong" I respond hoping I don't have to follow through with the plan

"that's not how it works" he grumbles before starting his abuse on me, I allow it to go on for a good ten minutes before I finally snap.

I turn around claws out and grab ahold of his leg, his screams run out so I know I need to be quick the walls are soundproof but it doesn't mean no sounds gets out sadly.

"let go of me" he cries out as I dig my claws in deeper hating this every bit

"I will if you stop abusing me" I growl out

"I can't do that you stupid girl, you need to be strong" he growls out

"I am strong" I roar out before letting go out his leg and using my claw to slice through his jugular, his hand immediately rushes up to try and stop the bleeding but its no use

"you are strong I see that now" is the last thing I hear before john and his father rush into the room

"guards" my mind goes into overdrive as the guards bolt into the room like vampires and start to drag me out of the room

"John don't forget the tape" I yell out

"I won't, it will be okay" I hear him call out before I am pulled too far away.

the punishment for killing a council member is death so my life depends on that recording.

time skip (next day)

"come on" I hear someone call, I look up and see John staring at me

"I'm free?" I question making him nod

"yes you are, they all sat down and watched the tape and I explained this had been going on ever since you got out of the hospital so they ruled that it was self-defence, they want to see all future council members right this second the call was just made" John smiles making me nod my head and stand up

"afterwards I need a bath" I smile out making him nod

"I think its time you also take your mate back, being a rejected mate in the council will put you at risk you know the rules you are meant to be mated to take over and married not long after and being rejected puts you as a weak link and we are only as strong as the weakest member" he comments making me sigh

"I know he wants to make things work but I'm scared" I mumble while walking beside him to the meeting hall

"I know you are, I would be terrified but this isn't just about you two anymore this is about his pack and the whole entire wolf race" John comments before we reach the door which leaves me no time to respond.

rejected because of the lawWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt