Chapter 5: The Breakup

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"We need a break." Jamie texted.
"Umm.. Ok may I ask why?" Camari replied.
"I just need time to think. I don't wanna make the same mistakes I did last time and I wanna get my life straight." Jamie responded.
"Ok but just know I'm always here for you." Camari said.

                                     Few days later

"Hey Sheila can I ask you something?" Camari asked.
"Sure. Wassup?" Sheila replied.
" So Jamie and I are on a break 'cause she said needs to get her life straight and I don't like it because it's kinda confusing. It's like we're together but at the same time we're not. What should I do? " Camari asked.
"I don't know to be honest with you. But maybe y'all should break up for real. So she'll have time to get her life straight without feeling like she's hurting you. I mean only if you want to do that." Sheila answered.
"Nah, it's ok. Thanks." Camari said.
" No problem." Said Sheila.
            Afterwards Camari went to text Jamie. Then Camari had told her what she thought of the break they were on, then told her that it makes sense just to break up. At least until she got her life straight. Jamie agreed but they were still friends.
            So awhile past. Something had happened. Which led Jamie yelling at Camari after 5th period. Camari was speechless. Camari went to class holding back tears. She didn't do work after that. She barely made it through the day without crying but she had quickly got over it. After that day they stopped talking to each other in school and rarely texted each other. Camari was feeling numb towards everything. She tried to be happy but she couldn't with this pain in her chest and having this feeling like a part of her is missing. She counted the days until she couldn't count anymore.
            Camari soon accepted the fact that they were probably never gonna get back together or have the same bond as friends. Camari and Jamie soon stated talking again. But it wasn't the same.

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