Chapter 20:The End

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Yoooo sorry it took so long I wanted to end this book off with a bang so here it is...3x more than what you usually read...6000 words. Have funnnn~also sorry if it sucks I haven't edited it

(Yonas pov)

A hawk flies up in the sky above me.

I point up at him gaining the attention of the other, "Look at the pretty hawk!"

Hak flipped his hair, "I am pretty, but you must not remind the others. It makes them feel insecure."

"Pretty?" Yun scoffed, "Pretty arrogant, I'd say."

Hak got a better look at the hawk that was now descending down to them. Seeing a note in the hawks claws, he smirked putting his arm out for the bird to land on, "Its Y/n."

My eyes lit up and I excitedly run to Hawk as I watch the hawk land on Haps arm, "What does it say? What does it say?"

Jeaha walked over and took the peice paper, reading it, "Habi village."

Kija jumped into the conversation, "Y/n probably wants us to meet her at Habi village."

I look to Sin-ah for confirmation and he nodded.


Everyone looked at Zeno who was tilting his head with a confused smile.

I grabbed Zenos hands and smiled, "Thats right you haven't met Y/n yet! Y/ns my sister! She's the one that married herself off to the king for me and Hak to live peacefully. Oh just wait till you meet her Zeno! You'll love her!"

Letting go from Zeno hands I made big gestures with my arms, "She's so amazing! She can fight! She's funny! She's perfect!"

Jeaha jumped into the conversation, "She's also very beautiful."

"Ya but she's an airhead who doesn't think before she acts," Yun added with an irritated look on his face.

Kija looked to the ground with a blush as he fiddled with his sleeve, "Y-y/n is also very kind and caring."

Hak looked away to the side, "She's also a pain in the ass."

"Hak!" I yelled scolding him, "Be nicer!"

He clicked his tongue in response and looked at Zeno, "She's a pretty cool person when you get to know her."

I gave everyone a big smile before yelling excitedly, "Well then lets go! To Habi village!"

The others smiled as Yun directed us towards Habi village, "Its not that far. We'll get there while the sun is still in the sky."

We continued on our way to Habi village and I could tell that everyone couldn't wait to see y/n again. Especially me.

I giggled and started skipping ahead.


Yun puts the map in his bag and looks ahead, "We're here."

Right as we take a step into the village an arrow is shot, whizzing past us. Hak gets in front of me and everyone gets in a fighting stance.

I peek from behind to see a cloaked figure facing us, "Well don't just stand there! Move! Your in the way!"

My eyes widened and I smiled, "Y/n!"

As if on queue the wind swept under her hood blowing it off to reveal my sister smirking. She looked even more beautiful than the last time we saw her.

I looked up to the boys to see Kija and Yun look away with a blush on their face and Hak and Jeaha's ears we red as they both smirked. I sweat dropped when I couldn't see Sinhas reaction and look to Zeno who was staring at her.

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