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(Su-Wons pov)
My eyes look up to the sky in confusion, recalling haks words when we fought,

So y/n was right all along, huh? She told me to keep an eye on you. I only wish I listened to her sooner.

Does that mean Y/n knew the whole time? And if so, why didn't she confront me about it? Better yet, why didn't she stop me? It all doesn't add up.

I looked back to the garden and placed my lips on the rim of the cup,

What will you say when we meet again, Y/n?
(Y/n's pov)
I frown at the knot in my stomach,

Something feels wrong. I can't put my finger on it but I've got a bad feeling about the castle.

I look up towards the gates and see two guards, as I know them, Han-dae and Tae-o.

We enter the gates with a couple of greetings,

Does it have something to do with Su-Won's strange behavior?

I smile towards everyone and greet back, giving a few hugs to the children and adults,

No. He would never do something to harm the princess. Neither would Hak.

We start walking towards Meundok, who seems to be getting ready to go somewhere,

Then what is this feeling?

Making eye contact with him, I smile while he gives me a empathetic look, "Whats with the long face Gramps? Not happy to see me?"


He pulled me into a hug and said,"You haven't heard news yet have you?"

I shook my head, confused.

Please be safe Yo-

"Your father was murdered."

-Na? W-what?

I felt my legs get wobbly and my body started to shake,"W-what did you say?"

He hugged me harder and I can see Koshiros face, full with emotions.

"O-oh. Th-that's some bad news..." I trailed off with a shaky voice, not wanting to cry. I pulled away from the hug and gave him a tight smile,"Do they know who did it?"

He shook his head,"There have been rumors that Hak killed the king and stole the princess for himself. I'm going to the castle right now to discuss with the five generals about the new king."

"The new king?" Koshiro butted in.

"Yes," Meundok looked at me, before hesitantly turning to Koshiro,"They're trying to crown Su-Won the next king."

My eyes widened, my brain seemingly piecing everything together. My body shook, as my fists clenched, everything in my body was screaming, wanting to go back to the castle and snap Su-Won's neck.

If it weren't for Koshiro grabbing my hand and calming me down, Su-Won would've been a dead man.

Koshiro squeezed my hand as he smiled to Meundok,"Well we need to go rest and , ya know, just process everything."

Meundok nodded towards Koshiro, turned to me, and squeezed my shoulder,"Your a strong girl, Y/n. I know you'll survive in this cruel world."

With that we both parted ways.

Us to our room.

Meundok to Su-Won.
(Y/n's pov)
"Bye guys!" I yelled back at the village. I was better now. Koshiro helped me out and managed to calm me down. He always does.

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