Chpt 8:Reality

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(Y/n's pov)
"Thank you for helping us. I want to know about you guys, about oracles. I may be clueless, but I don't want to stay an idiot."

I smirk as i lean against the wall by the entrance,

About time

I walk away from the scene. As I wondering around I stumble upon Ik-soo, who's praying again.

"You do that 24/7 huh?"

"How else will I pray for everyone's safety and convey the words of god?"

"Ah, right. Of course." I chuckled and sat next to him. I looked at him-he was still praying-and then looked at the waterfall,"Ya know I've been wondering..." I gave him a side glance before continuing,"Have you known? All this time?"

He stops praying and looks at me, "That you are the Chiryo Dragon? Yes."

I lean back and use my arms to hold me up,"I can always count on you to make something sound sophisticated and fancy."

Ik-soo laughed,"Yes, I suppose..."

I sit back up and turn to him,"Why didn't you tell me?"

He turned back to the waterfall,"Its your power. I felt it was best to have you find out when the time was right." He stood up,"I think I'll leave the rest for Ryzaki to explain."

As he starts walking away I quickly get up and reach my hand out for him,"Wait!"

He turns around and gives me a questioning glance.

"I've been trying to reach him...but I just can't seem to get through. I've lost total touch with him."

He smiled at me and walked towards me. Sitting back down he gestured for me to sit.

I sat down, criss-cross-applesauce, and faced him.

"Close your eyes."

I cocked an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I won't do anything. You trust me, right?"

I gave him a hesitant glance before closing my eyes.

"How did you and Ryzaki part ways? How did you come back to reality?"

My face warmed up a bit," on the forehead..."

(3rd pov)
Ik-soo sighed,

First a marriage and now this?

He thought, but nonetheless said,"I'm guessing that's how you travel between your mindscape and reality. With that being said..."

Ik-soo leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

Y/n opened her eyes in shock only to see the one and only, Ryzaki. "What the-?! Ryzaki?! Where?! How?! Huh?!"

The white head knocked the girl on the head,"Will you shut it!"

Y/n rubbed her head in pain, "Owwwwww! What is your problem?! I've been trying to talk to you since forever! And the first thing you do is hit me?! Are you crazy Gramps?!"

The boy known as Ryzaki hit the girl again,"My name isn't Gramps, Idiot-"

"And my name isn't Idiot!"

"Jesus Christ..."

"Ok...ok...fine! I'm sorry! Now can you explain why I couldn't reach you and why it only worked when I was with Ik-soo?"

(Y/n's pov)
I fight the urge to touch my forehead, where Ik-soo had kissed me.

Ryzaki sighed,"You still haven't figured it out yet?"

My strength comes from you *akatsuki no yona x reader*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt