Chapter 13: How the Envy Pair met

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"I'm Kashitaro Ito, the Servamp of Envy and Amatsuki's Servamp. It's a pleasure to meet you."


"Do you want some tea?", Kashitaro asked as Mafumafu hesitated before nodding. "Some green tea please if you have any.", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki nodded and stood up to make them some tea. "And for you, Soraru-san?", he asked as he took some cups out of the cupboard.

"I'll have whatever.", Soraru answered as Amatsuki merely hummed before making some tea for everyone. They were currently in the dorm of Amatsuki and Kashitaro which was on same floor as theirs but in another building as this school had five buildings creating the campus.

The room of the envy pair looked way different than the sloth pair's in many ways.

First, the walls were painted in a light green instead of the white walls which made this room a lot warmer than theirs. And then there was the fact that the whole room looked like it was a Japanese room instead of a normal dorm room that you'd forget this actually belonged to the school building when you first stepped in. "So... how did you two become partners?", Mafumafu decided to ask as Kashitaro gave him a smile while Amatsuki sighed.

"This all happened because Kashitaro-san was too clumsy and showed me his true form on accident! Can you believe it?!", he asked as he came back with a tray, placing the Japanese mugs with tea on the table as he sat down with them. "Eh? What do you mean with that?", Mafumafu asked. "Let me tell you... It all started after the first three weeks of us being here..."


The clock started going off as a brunet groaned and stopped the alarm before standing up and stretching. He made his way to the bathroom as he brushed his teeth and changed into his uniform before he exited the room to find his roommate in the small kitchen every dorm provided. "Good Morning, Amatsuki-kun. Did you sleep well?", he asked as Amatsuki nodded.

"Mhm, what about you, Kashitaro-san?", Amatsuki asked as he headed to the shelves to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

"I did too. Thanks for asking.", Kashitaro thanked chuckling as he headed to the coffee machine to make some coffee for the two of them.

"Why are you up so early today, Kashitaro-san? Didn't you tell me yesterday that your lessons would be canceled today?", Amatsuki asked as he started to crack some eggs into a pan, the sizzling sound resonating through the room.

The older brunet only chuckled nodding while making his way to the shelves containing the sugar as he put one spoon of sugar into one of them and three spoons into the other, knowing that Amatsuki liked his coffee this way.

"Yes, but I have some errands to do. My friend's guitar broke so now I have to fix it for him.", Kashitaro explained chuckling as Amatsuki joined in, laughing lightly.

"You could have still woken up a bit later, you know? I mean, you could fix it anytime, can't you?", the shorter male asked putting  the eggs onto a plate where some toasts were laying already before he started to make some salad out of lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and his special sauce.

"You're right, I could have. But that way, I couldn't have eaten your cooking in the morning and have this nice talk with you that I'm having right now.", Kashitaro explained chuckling as the younger male felt his face heat up after he heard that and continued cutting the lettuce in embarrassment.

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