Chapter 6: A Useless Weapon?

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"There you guys are! What took you so long?", Colon asked as Mafumafu bowed several times apologizing. "Calm down. He just went out with his friend for a bit. Anyway, what did you guys want to talk about? If you have nothing to say, I'll go back home because I really need to practice.", Soraru said as Satomi chuckled.

"It won't take too long. I just wanted to see if Mafumafu-san here knows all the basic things there is to know about a Servamp.", Satomi said as Mafumafu tilted his head.

"The basic things? All I know is how to make a contract, break a contract and that we are both connected by a chain.

Oh! And also that he drinks blood to become stronger and that it's not really necessary.", Mafumafu said and Colon and Satomi looked at each other before they sighed at the same time. "Well, I guess I can explain you some things since your Servamp looks like he was incapable of doing so.", Satomi said as Soraru glared at him.

"Oi, I would have told him at some point.", Soraru said as Satomi looked like he didn't believe him. "Nii-san... you didn't explain him anything at all!", Colon exclaimed.

"You're not any better. Satomi didn't even know that you had siblings until some days ago.", Soraru countered as Colon pouted at that.

"Well, I am at least a great actor who will help him to go to the top of the writing world! As for I was chosen by god to make this happen!", Colon boasted as Soraru rolled his eyes at that while Satomi chuckled in amusement.

Colon was about to give another comment before he was stopped by Mafumafu. "So, what are those basic things?", Mafumafu asked as the pink-haired male turned his attention back to the albino.

"Well, you already know that every Servamp has one seat for an Eve. There are seven servamps in total. Sloth. Pride. Lust. Gluttony. Wrath. Envy. Greed. Every Servamp is bound to their Eve wether they want it or not.

Eves usually have Leads which are weapons. And you can summon them after you got it.", Satomi explained and Mafumafu widened his eyes when he heard that. "I could get a weapon?! Soraru-san, you didn't say a word about that!", Mafumafu accused as the ravenette just yawned bored.

"Well, you didn't really need one yet and everything was kinda hectic.", Soraru defended himself. "Also... do you actually think you can hold a weapon? It's dangerous.", Soraru said as Mafumafu frowned. "I... want to be able to protect everyone I love. And if I can have a weapon that I can summon at any time to protect them...

Then of course I'd want to have one! And I think I can do it!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the two looked at Soraru waiting for an answer. The raven-haired male only stayed silent for a while before ruffling his head in frustration and nodding.

"Fine... Close your eyes then.", Soraru said as Mafumafu did. so even though he was confused. "What is that going to do though?", Mafumafu asked confused but he didn't receive an answer so he opened his eyes to see that the room was suddenly pitch black.

"Happy Birthday, Mafumafu!", a distorted voice congratulated him and he flinched as he looked down to see a small white, fish cake standing in front of him.

"Eh?! Where am I? Where are Soraru-san and the others?", Mafumafu asked confused. "You're inside Soraru. This way. This way.", it said as it hopped ahead and Mafumafu followed it even though he didn't know what was going on.

"Where are we going?", he asked as it turned around to look at him. "You want a gift, right? Your very own birthday gift.", it said as Mafumafu tilted his head. "It's not my birthday yet... but I want a weapon! So if you have that I do want to get it!", Mafumafu said nodding as the fishcake nodded and continued jumping.

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