Chapter 12: Summer Festival

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"Thanks for helping me, onii-chan!", a small boy said as he waved at Mafumafu before he walked away with his mother. Mafumafu smiled brightly as he waved back before sighing.

"You sure like to help people, don't you?", he heard Soraru saying as he turned around to see the raven-haired male leaning against a railing and eating the takoyaki that he bought while Mafumafu was helping all kinds of people with things.

"You seem like you enjoyed yourself, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu muttered as the older male shrugged nodding.

"And you seem like you worked hard. Here you go.", Soraru said as he threw something at Mafumafu which the albino caught clumsily.

And when he looked at what it was he smiled slightly. "Thank you, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu thanked the older male as he looked at the bottle of tea and a box with food in it.

Soraru only hummed in response as he continued eating as well.

"I just went to the food stands to buy these so we can go to the other booths later.", Soraru assured the albino who nodded happily.

"Ok! Thank you, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked him once again giving the older male a bright smile. "I get it already... you're grateful. Now stop thanking me so much...", Soraru muttered as Mafumafu only giggled before nodding.

"Let's go now then!", Mafumafu exclaimed cheerfully and was about to go but he stopped when someone tapped him on the shoulders and turned around to see a red-haired male standing there as he gave him a polite smile.

"Um, excuse me. Could you maybe help me with something?", he asked as the other male nodded though confused.

"A-Ah, yes! What do you need help with?", Mafumafu asked as the red-haired male smiled gratefully before explaining.

"Well, you see, I found this suitcase here and wanted to bring it to the lost and found. But unfortunately, I don't know where that is because I am not from around here so could you please give it to them instead?", he asked as Mafumafu nodded giving him a smile.

"Of course! I will do that then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other male nodded and handed him the suitcase.

"Thank you very much. Well, I'll be going then. I'm going to trust you that you'll deliver it there before the fireworks start.", he told the albino who only tilted his head confused as the other male had already gone away.

Mafumafu only stared at the silver suitcase which was now in his hands and wondered what was in there. Being the person he is though, he knew not to open it as he turned towards the raven-haired male who was still standing there.

"Soraru-san, I am going to bring this suitcase to the lost and found! You don't have to wait for me and can go enjoy the festival though!", Mafumafu assured as he already turned away to run to the lost and found place.

"Eh? But Servamp and eve shouldn't be too far apart...", Soraru called after him as the albino probably didn't hear him.

And so, Mafumafu disappeared, leaving Soraru back there as he only stood there for a while before ruffling his head and sighing.

"How troublesome..."


"And there was really no one looking like that around here? He is about this tall and has brown hair.", a brunette repeated as the woman only shook her head.

"I'm sorry. We did walk around a lot but we didn't see anyone that fit your description. You could go to the food stands and look there though.", the woman suggested as the male only sighed before nodding.

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