21 Flip flops in washy mashin 🤧👣🥿👠👡👢👞👟🥾🐱🌧⛸✈️🏝🗾🧻🛏🛌🇰🇷🇦🇴

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Euns POV

Sun bae invited Jae hee and a couple of our other friends to his beach house that he inherited from his dead parents for the weekend.  I wasn't invited but I came anyway.  We got there after 16 days of driving because we kept getting lost.  When we arrived he disappointed us all because he said we would have to sleep outside with no food unless we painted his beach house.  His girlfriend Hannah was there for free though.  Jae hee and I were painting an airplane next to each other. After that I started painting myself sleeping in a bed.  Earn and I were laughing with eachother until I felt my foot slip from the ladder I was on.  I fell into euns arms and accidentally hit my hand with paint on it onto his face on the drawing.  It made him look like he had a beard.  I felt my heart beat faster as I realized he was still holding me.  I jumped back and smiled bigely.

Since there was paint all over my friggin body, I went to go to the bath house and then walk on the beach

Euns POV

I looked out of the window of sun baes beach mansion to see my beautiful crush jaehee walking on the beach.  But then I saw some gruffy old pedophile weirdo that probably is a furry and an alcoholic pick him up and start running with him.  I knew I had to savjae but it started raining. I didn't want to get wet.  And I can't walk out side without my SHOES!!!! I then spent the next 3 hours looking around for my shoes. After I found my flip flops in the washing machine I ran outside in the rain to save jae.  I found the alcoholic and most likely a furry with jae still on the beach, some how not that far from where I saw him kidnap jae.  I started to end this mans entire career by beating the absolute crap out of him.  I grabbed Jae's hand, not sure if I had killed the furry or not, and we left back to sun baes beach state.


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