Timothée Chalamet

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Eyeing you as you dance with someone else at a party

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Eyeing you as you dance with someone else at a party.

His pov:

I lit the cigarette and placed it on my lips. I watched as she laughed talking to what's his face.

One of her friends passed by me and I took the chance to ask her.

"Hey!" I said catching her attention. She looked fuzzled but still walked up to me.

"What's it with that guy?" I asked her pointing at him with my cigarette.

"Oh, them? Well hes trying to make a move on her I guess." She said bluntly.

"That son of a b-" I began to whisper.

"I would suggest to do something about it if you really like her and not just stare like a creep." She blurted cutting me off.

"And who said I liked her?"

"Oh hun, you dont have to say it. Its obvious."

I shook my head. "You're right."

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