Oh no

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I entered the Great Hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table with the trio. I saw the groups of scared first years stood at the front, waiting to get sorted. I whispered to Hermione; "I swear they're getting smaller every year."

After the sorting, I went to find Draco, as we hadn't spoken at all over the summer. I found him on the third floor, 'hiding' by the bathrooms. I went over to him and tackled him into a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him.

"I'm guessing you missed me then?"

"So much. Dudley's the worst. There's only so much verbal abuse I can take."

He smiled at me and brushed a few strands of hair behind my ear, before kissing me again.

"Well, I missed you too."

I bit my lip. "So..? What happened?"

He looked away from me with guilty features and rolled up his left sleeve. Etched onto his skin was a black tattoo of a snake curving in a figure 8, protruding from a skull's mouth. The Dark Mark. I felt my eyes start to brim with tears and I rushed forward to hug him again, but he stepped away from me.


"No, don't come any closer. Look at it." He held it out to me again, and I looked away, crying. "This is who I am. A monster. A part in his game... A murderer."

I walked towards him again. "No. This is not who you are. I know who you are. You are sweet, and romantic, and the most amazing guy. You took care of me. Protected me. You made up with your arch nemesis for me. And that guy.. that's who you really are. And that guy doesn't deserve this. To live with a family who's twisted your mind into thinking you're someone you're not. I love you. I love the parts of you that were a secret. The parts of you that show me that I shouldn't have judged you. Because those parts showed me who you really are. You're brave, and smart, and funny.. and you loved me like no one else did."

I smiled at him, both of us crying. I went over to him again and he didn't walk away. I hugged him tightly and we both sank to the floor. We leant up against the wall and cried in each other's arms, each of us hugging tighter every now and then to comfort the other. We both calmed down eventually and looked up at each other. I brushed some hair out of his eyes, smiling at him sadly. I cupped his cheek with my hand.

"I love you so so so much, and don't you ever forget it." I kissed his forehead. "You're not a monster. You're my baby." He chuckled slightly at me.

"And you're my little princess."

"I have something that might take your mind off it. Meet me in the Room if Requirement tomorrow, normal time, okay?"


He leant down and kissed me slowly, but passionately. "I love you too."

I walked back to the common room, and entered the portrait. I slumped down slightly on the sofa.

"He's a Deatheater."

Draco Malfoy x OCWhere stories live. Discover now