"You lied to us .. I told the team I was born in the galra kingdom straight away and yet you still hid it from us. How do we know your not the spy since your so good at hiding yourself" Keith growled and Pidge froze.

"I'm not the spy, I could never betray you guys" Pidge yelled back hurt by her friend words. 

"Why didnt you tell us .. did you not trust us" Shiro asked with pained eyes making her eyes sadden.

"I do trust you, I just got use to hiding my past" Pidge whispered weakly and looked to the floor once again. 

"Oh this is fun, You truly did betray them" Sendak grinned making the mood worse and soon the door opened showing the leader of the base.

"My name is Lotor, now who of you messed with the galra kingdom to make them go offline and change my codes" Lotor huffed as he stormed in noticing the mood seemed strange.

"It was the Holt .. It seems she been in hiding my prince and well lets just say she no longer hiding" Sendak replied and Lotor looked to the only female in the room.

"I see, does she know" Lotor asked Sendak who shook his head.

Lotor soon walked over to Pidge, Shiro standing a couple feet back still thinking over the news he was told and trying to control his emotions. Lotor looked pidge over and she just glanced to him, she had more important things to be worried over then the prince. Lotor smirked before taking a step back in.

"Tell me the codes" Lotor asked with a slight smirk and crossed his arms.

"Go to hell" Pidge snapped back making Lotor frown.

"Are you sure you want to be so rude towards the guy who can kill your family" Lotor replied and Pidge glanced to him.

"I have no family" Pidge tried lying and Lotor just laughed at her.

"Oh you poor child, Shall I tell you the meaning to your knife" Lotor grinned making Pidge fall pale as Lotor pulled out he the knife her mother gave her.

"I know a lot about you miss holt, want to know how" Lotor grinned as he looked to the name on the handle making him smirk before nodding to a guard who pushed a couple of males into the room.

"Katie" Sam Holt, her father she guessed to be dead all these years stood beside her brother. Her father was wearing the galra unifrom and looked all clean up without a mark. Matt still in his rebel suit looking unsure.

"D-Dad" Katie mutter in shock as she looked to her father who smiled.

"Oh Katie, I was so worried when I couldn't seem to find you again. Why didnt you return to the base" Sam replied and walked forward only for pidge to take a step making her father stop in place.

"A trick, this is a trick because my father wouldnt wilily where the galra uniform. He loved my mother too much to let Altea be destroyed and he too smart to" Pidge replied slightly freaking out as she stepped back more.

"Your right, he is smart and well he smart enough to make the gas that would end the war. Your father is a smart man who couldn't let his home kingdom be wipe out" Lotor finished for her and Pidge looked to her father with horror.

"Its true sis, I found him in the labs and thought he was a prisoner but he not. He wouldnt follow me in the escape and instead called for the guards on thace. He swapped sides" Matt weakly spoke and looked to his sister.

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