Chapter 8.

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"Tell us the code" A soldier known as Sendak growled as he held Pidge by her throat, smashing her body into the wall, her back creaking slightly as it was bashed into the wall. 

"Kiss My Ass" Pidge choked out as his grip tighten on her throat and she gave a slight smirk towards the soldier.

"How dare a traitor like you speak to me in such a way" Sendak grumbled in anger and started to choke her.

"Leave her alone" Shiro screamed and ran into Sendak making Pidge fall to the ground. 

The other three males all stood with their hands chained together and glared at Sendak for trying to kill their friend while Shiro helped Pidge to stand the best he could with his own hands being cuffed just like pidge hands. 

Matt and Thace was still uncaptured or so the Voltron Unit had hope since they didnt see the other two in the small room where they were thrown in after being cuffed. They hoped Matt and Thace was still safe and hidden from the enemy, they knew with the title of voltron unit they might be kept alive a little longer in the enemy hopes of swapping voltron for their side to surrender. But for basic rebels like matt and thace then they be killed straight away or tortured until Voltron gave the codes they were after. 

They found the weapon in only a week of being in the enemy base and Pidge was able to change the code that started the gas and the code that would make the gas. She also made the base have a memory wipe meaning any technology would be completely useless and it was, the gas could no longer be made since they checked for any paper recorders but the base had none and after looking deeper they found out the enemy was all tech only meaning they just put their enemy in the dark with full system wipe. Of Couse the small single tub of gas that was only enough to kill a small base was still left undestroyed since they got caught but Pidge had the code to open it but as you saw, she wouldnt give it. 

"Give me the code or I shall make sure all know the holt name is traitorous" Sendak warned as he glared at Pidge who glared back will full anger.

"The holts are dead, Ruin our name but my people will always know the true hero of our name. Nothing you say can take away the magic it bought to many. Not many will curse the name nor hate it since we the reason they still live" Pidge grinned back and the others turned to her confused making Sendak smirk as he realised something.

"They dont know your blood line" Sendak spoke making Pidge tense slightly and her friends turn to her with worry.

"Bloodline" Shiro whispered as he glance to Pidge with worry and she looked down in shame.

"The holts are from a small town known as garrison ... the town is in the galra kingdom not the Altea kingdom meaning she was born on our side .. she has enemy blood in her .. she is your enemy" Sendak explained noticing the others freeze in shock and horror while Pidge stayed looking to the ground in shame. 

"I-is that true" Hunk asked with fear since the galra kingdom was there enemy, the ones who killed so many and started this long war. 

"I'm sorry" Pidge whispered weakly as she couldn't bring herself to look at them.

"No this is a joke, your one of us .. right" Lance replied thinking this was just a prank.

"I was born in the galra kingdom but I fight for Altea .. Altea was the birth home of my mother and my father fought to protect her kingdom since he married her. I was just born in the town known as garrison since father became injured on enemy lines and she brought him to his home town in hopes to hide him until he was healed. But was returned to Altea when I became two years old" Pidge replied back trying to show she was still on their side. 

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