Chapter 5.

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"wait hang on, you said the laundry man ... GROPE YOU" matt yelled as he and Pidge team stood in a small meeting room in the cave away from the other rebels. Thace stood in the hallway keeping guard and making sure no one listened in on the group.

"yeah but more importantly you said you needed our help" Pidge replied as she placed her hand on her hip.

"No, as your elder brother this is important to me. I need to kill that old man for doing such a thing, Thace we going out" Matt grumbled and Pidge punched her brother making him fall to the floor groaning in pain.

"Calm down, Thace dont let my brother fuck up by leaving to kill someone while he on brother mode" Pidge ordered as she crossed her arms.

"Understood little miss" Thace replied and Pidge frowned.

"stop calling me little miss, its embarrassing" Pidge pouted as her friends chuckled. 

"so, why do you need voltron help" Keith asked with a slight smirk while Matt slowly stood again. 

"Your enemy has built a gas, one that will kill those who aren't injected with a cure that your enemy holds. We must stop them before the gas is completely but its in a power strong base. Us rebels have no chance in getting in" Matt frowned and pointed to a place on the map on the table.

"So you wanted us to go and sneak it and steal the gas since we the strongest unit in our side of the war" Shiro spoke up and Matt nodded.

"Yes, your unit has snuck into many bases and often get out with whatever you stole without being seen. I'm hoping you can do the same and destroy the weaponised gas and any files that tells someone how to make it" Matt replied with worry. 

"I know our mission to gain info on while the enemy seems to be two steps ahead but this gas stuff seem bad. We need to stop it" Lance spoke up and Shiro nodded in agreement.

"maybe we can still do our mission and stop this gas weapon. This base is one of the main ones, we be able to access all files to do with the enemy and find out how they finding our side so fast and easy. We learn if their a spy and be able to mess back by leaking some of their intel. We stop the gas and gain the info we weren't sent to find. Its a win-win" Pidge smirked as she looked to the map before turning to her friends.

"We need a room where we can stay hidden during out time and we need to learn the guards stations and patrol times along with where cameras area kept and what the passwords are for certain doors" Hunk mumbled as he crossed his arms.

"A hidden room, I'm sure a underground base that big have rooms they dont even use and most forget about" Lance grinned and Keith nodded in agreement. 

"I have a semi map made of the base but Its only basic" Matt slightly smiled as he pulled out the map showing them.

"this storage room, its on the first level that above the ground meaning no one would risk using it in case of an attack. Meaning we can hide inside without being notice and it links to the vents. Best place to hide while we gain info and stop the gas" Pidge grinned as she pointed to the room.

"sounds good to me" Shiro smiled and Pidge nodded slightly proud.

"we also be near the main exit and hear the gossip from the guards guarding the main entrance, I'm sure they speak freely since they be left alone to guard the top floor alone. We might even be able to go undercover as guards during their shifts and walk around the base a little" Keith replied and Shiro nodded.

"when do we leave and how do we sneak inside" Hunk asked with worry.

"the roof, the vents used for air. A set is on the building roof and if you slip in then its a straight drop into the room on the first floor since the air vents that are for the floors underground are hidden in the ground around the base" Matt explained and pointed to the air vents on the map.

"we leave at night, it give us cover and their be less guards to hear us if we catch something. We just have to be sneaky and make sure we not seen" Shiro replied and looked to his watch.

"Stay here for tonight, you all should rest since we did knock you out yesterday. You can leave tomorrow night and then you would all have a good rest" Thace spoke from outside.

"thanks" Hunk smiled kindly and Matt smiled.

"Oh and I'm going with" Matt grinned and Pidge frowned.

"Sure, I can let the enemy capture you for the day" Pidge mutter as she rolled her eyes.

"what I want to see my sister in action, your changed a lot since that battle" Matt sighed and crossed his arms.

"well I was betrayed by my own brother and family friend, I mean why wouldnt I be super excited after that day" Pidge sassily replied.

"we truly are little miss, we did lose ourselves to hate back then" Thace frowned outside and Pidge was ready to kill him for keeping calling her little miss.

"Do you have any food or water we can have please" Lance smiled trying to distract from this going tension.

"sure, follow me to the dinner hall" Matt smiled as he started walking.

"so, now we know why you dont talk off family" Keith smirked as he walked beside Pidge.

"trust me he still now being his full self since he unsure of you guys" Pidge frowned.

"so why dont you seem happy at seeing your brother again" Hunk asked with worry.

"Its a long story, one that I dont wish to speak off" Pidge sighed. 

"lets just eat and chill before our long mission ahead" Shiro smiled slightly and Pidge gave him a thankful look.

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