Chapter 1.

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"please dad, we must go" She begged as she pulled on his skirt, crying her eyes like the eight year old child she was. She may have only been eight but war was all she knew and she knew to trust her bad feeling. 

"Clam down Katie, we safe in the base" Her father smiled as he patted her hair, holding reports in his other. 

"no we not dad, we need to get everyone out now" she yelled with fear, tears still leaving her eyes. 

"Dad maybe we should listen to sis, you always tell us to listen to our gut when at war" Matt her elder brother spoke up, he knew his sister bad feeling was never a good thing. He was only eleven but just like his sister, war was the only think he knew apart from trusting his sister gut the most. 

"Matt, your sister is just a child. She just most likely spook herself and is overreacting. Now I need to finish reading my men reports so take her back to her tent" their father replied slightly annoyed by his children outburst.

"but" Matt started to say but his father shook his head.

"go back to your tent or do you want to be sent to the orphanage base" Their father replied and Matt walked over picking his sister up.

"sorry sir" Matt mutter and left the tent, carrying his scared crying sister. 

"why wouldn't he listen to us" she asked with a frown, fear still in her eyes.

"dad just busy protecting this base and trying to win the war. His stress is just distracting him but dont worry, I'm sure nothing will happen and if something dose then dad will protect us" Matt smiled sweetly to his sister. 

"but it might be too late or protect us" she whispered with worry and looked to the stars. 

"Sis, how bad is your feeling" Matt asked as they reached outside their shared tent and he placed her down. 

"As bad as the failed battle last week, Something coming matt and we cant win" She spoke, sometimes her mind and attitude made her brother forget she only eight. 

"for our shakes, lets pray your wrong" Matt mumbled and lifted up the tent cover for his sister to walk in. 

"I always wish my heart is wrong" She frowned and climbed onto her army bed. 

"I know you do, sorry sis this isn't fair" Matt sighed and climbed in his army bed that sat a feet away from his sister bed. 

The two laid in bed, just talking and Matt telling stories their mother use to tell in hopes of calming his sister. Sadly he fell asleep while she laid wide away, jumping slightly at all and every sounds outside their tent. Hours passed and she knew most of the other soldiers were fast asleep apart from the ones on night duty. She rolled over and notice something strange, the soldier who patrols the tents were standing outside their tent. He always stands by their tents a little longer making sure they safe before going onwards.

But he hasn't came once yet, she jumped out of her bed, slipping on her shoes and sneaking out the tent. She snuck around and walked towards the small fire before covering her mouth. The guards was on the ground with his throat slit. She ran to another fire only to find the same with another soldier, she ran back to her shared tent waking her brother and telling him what she found.

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