i dont even know

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Hey guys. It's been a long time. Like a really really really long time. Now I don't even know what to say. how do I even start this. I don't even know what this is.

Alright well

First as foremost, I am incredibly sorry and thankful to you all. thank you for reading this fic (even with all the cringeworthy grammar mistakes and horrid punctuation which I plan to fix sooner or later)

Thanks so much for all the support and love and I'm so sorry about dying on this fic without a word. honestly, I thought about giving up and deleting this whole fanfic but I couldn't really bring myself to do it.

I reread my story and thought to myself "I can still do this."

That's why I'd like to know if anyone's still here.

I'm really doubting it since it's been so long, but if there are some of you still with me that are still waiting on for this series, then I am gonna try to continue it.

Again, sorry and thank you so much for everything ;;

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