Chapter nineteen - In which Tony's previous thought comes true

Start from the beginning


"Y/N, I'm sorry, you need to wake up, we have to get going."

Tony? Why was he speaking to you? You were still in bed.



"I'll interpret that to mean 'yes I'm getting up right away Tony.', we need to leave, there's... I'll explain on the way, just hurry up." he rambled, already leaving the room.

A mission? But it was...

"Fuck." you groaned, looking at your clock. It was 1:22am. You rolled out of your warm bed, listening in dismay to the rain on your window and the wind blowing a gale outside. It took less than a minute for you to get ready with your new trick, and you went out into the corridor right as Loki appeared from his bedroom, obviously also having just rolled out of bed. Unhelpful.

"What's going on?"

Your brain was trying to coordinate a sentence whilst taking in the view in front of you, and it wasn't going too well.

"Mission." you finally managed to croak, clearing your throat loudly and pointing towards the elevator. Smooth.

"What, now?"


"Lady Y/N, hurry, we must leave now!" Thor called to you from the elevator.

"Be careful." Loki told you, watching as you rubbed your eyes which were still puffy with sleep. Did he sound worried about you? It was probably your half-asleep brain playing tricks on you.

"I- yeah. I will. See you." you said, jogging to the elevator where Thor was waiting for you.

On the roof you made a shield around yourself and Thor as you ran to the jet through the torrential rain.

"Nice weather for flying." Tony commented cheerfully, handing you an earpiece as you entered the jet and took the shield down, slumping into a seat next to Bucky, who looked like he might have actually fallen back asleep.

"Not all of us don't need sleep Tony, keep the noise down." Nat grumbled, tying her hair back and punching Clint to make sure he was awake.

"Buck." you said softly, nudging him awake with a slightly more subtle method than the one Natasha had employed with Clint.

"It's not time for being awake yet." Bucky moaned, and you nodded in agreement, feeling the jet take off in a slightly bumpier fashion than usual what with the weather being so bad.

"Okay troops listen up, here's the deal..." Tony was talking, but your head was elsewhere, namely back down in the corridor with a half-asleep Loki. Bucky's head slumped on to your shoulder, doing nothing towards helping you stay awake; you slowly felt your eyes becoming heavier again.

"Y/N, Buck, this is important! Did you hear anything I just said?" Tony snapped, who knows how long later, and you jerked back to consciousness, cold and tired. You missed your bed.

"Yes." you said defiantly, but then when there was a pause in which you were supposed to tell him what he'd said...


"Right, we're there now, just... cover Steve and I okay? We're doing the important shit."

"Roger that." you said, giving a half-hearted thumbs up and trying to get some magic running through your veins to warm you up. As the jet landed you managed to get your eyes purple, and tried to keep them that way so that you were ready for instant action, if it were to occur.

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