Chapter 27: Pressure Cookin'

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"It is you. I knew it!" Peter says, smiling widely. "It was when I saw how efficiently those zombies were nailed to that trolley-"

"Yes, Mr. Lynne, you have said that already," Janine says, obviously annoyed. "You started saying it before we boarded this train, and you've said something along those lines eight times since."

"To be fair, Janine, it really does need to be said," Paula says, sounding as if she's still having trouble believing it. "It's you."

"Yes, still me."

I stare at her, still just as shocked and awed and overjoyed as I was ten minutes ago when she took off that mask in that office. She's here. She's really here. After ten months of her being gone-no messages, no signals that she's even still alive-she's here.

"Alright, I have a question that isn't, 'Is it really you?'" Sam says, and Janine sighs.

"You can't imagine my relief."

"What have you been doing all this time? And... and... is it really you?"

"I have been cultivating a position, one that is of influence in all areas of the new UK." Her words are curt, clipped, intentional. I've missed it. "I cannot explain everything. Some of my work is top secret even now. The job's not finished yet, but I summoned you here because a matter has come to my attention that I need Abel's help."

"You summoned us?" I scoff in disbelief. "I mean, we're the ones who struggled through tunnels filled with blood, feces and viscera to get here to discuss... Selma's... contract..." I trail off as it dawns on me. Janine holds an almost smug look on her face as she waits for me to get the full picture. "Oh. In response to Pit Viper suddenly letting it be known that you were tracking down Selma, and you made sure to let us know that it is our Selma you're tracking. Right! You let it known so we would come, and your cover wouldn't be blown."

"Astute, Runner Five," She says with a nod. She then opens a door and steps out. "Now come along, all of you. We have a job to do. Follow me down this tunnel. We have a long way to go, and we must be on time."

"I'd follow you absolutely anywhere," Peter says, and she raises a brow at him before turning her gaze ahead.


She takes off, and the rest of us are quick to follow. I don't ever think I've been more happy to have Janine tell me what to do. It just proves that it's her, really her. I almost want to cry out of happiness because this isn't a trick or a dream. Janine's actually back. Our leader has returned.

As we run down the tunnels, I see that these walls are clean, dry, and no zombies are in sight or earshot. It makes sense. Janine's always been one for tidiness, and those other tunnels are to keep others away. The outside has to look menacing, but these tunnels are like her office-clean, organized. It's all very Janine-like.

I'd hate for her to see the coms shack right now.

"So, how did you know we were working with Selma to begin with?" I ask.

"In order to stay on top in this job, I must have eyes and ears everywhere," She answers, and I frown at how vague it is.

"So you've known what's been going on in Abel this whole time?"

"Yes, for the most part. That pink rubber ring on your left hand is something I didn't get the pleasure of hearing about. Congratulations."

"Oh," I say in surprise. I look down at the ring on my finger, blushing slightly. "Yeah. Thanks."

"If you know about Selma, then did you know about Selma's GPS tags being turned off when she ran?" Paula asks, and I'm not surprised when she nods.

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