Chapter Two. Threats are my thing lady.

Start from the beginning

He rolled his eyes at her and looked back to me “Sami I said I wouldn’t hurt a girl, but this thing,” he said gesturing to me, “is not female,” he finished off smugly. I smirked in return.

“You're just mad because you got beaten up by…what did you call me again? Oh that’s right a good girl.” I shook my head at him and continued, “have you ever heard of the saying ‘you should never judge a book by its cover’?”

James glared at me and went to open his mouth for what I’m sure to be some form of witting insulting comeback when Sami cut him off. “Wait you’re the kid who gave him the bruise?”

I shrugged my shoulders and pointed to his wrist. “He scratched my car, he deserves everything I’m going to throw at him.” Sami and Elliot looked taken back and James face was turning red with anger.

“It was your own damn fault that I scratched your car! You parked in my spot and then you knock me over by throwing open your car door!” he practically screaming at me.

I rolled my eyes and squared my shoulders. “Not my fault you’re a clumsy ass jerk,” I said shrugging my shoulders. Elliot and Sami looked as if they were torn between shock and an all out laughing fit. The bickering between us went back and forth between us while getting angrier with each word on his side, and more amused than ever on mine.

Finally the lesson was closing to an end and as I started to raise my voice to insult James about being a dumbass yet again, he was about to speak again when the teacher walked over. I really don’t like this teacher; she seems egotistical and smug, also she has given three students detention all ready who did nothing wrong. I think she's a little power crazy.

When she reached our table she glared at James. “I expect you to be nice to the new student James. Her family is a big contributor to the school and she has an outstanding educational background. I do not want you corrupting her.” James looked like a stunned fish.

“B-But Miss I-“ the teacher cut off James blabber with a stern look and a final warning.

“No buts James, now play nice or I’ll have to give you yet again another week of detention.”

James seemed to stiffen at her words. “Yes Miss,” James said. The look of worry not only on his face but also on Sami’s and Elliot’s made me wonder why it was such a big deal to get detention, I mean I have been in detention plenty of times before. Why was it such a big deal here?

What I did next I wasn’t exactly proud of. I mean I pride myself on not being like other girls; I pride myself on being different and basically an outcast. I like only having acquaintances and not friends, which means I only have to look out for myself and my family, so when I opened my mouth to speak I was shocked to find the words I spoke coming out of my mouth. “I think miss that your should stop with the threats. Also stop talking like I’m not here; I do not appreciate that at all. James and myself were both having a disagreement so if you were to give out punishments I should also receive one of your air headed threats.”

I sent her a steel gaze as she went to open her mouth and I used a little threat of my own. “I bet my parents wouldn’t like to hear about how you have treated me. Did I mention how close the principal and my mother are? Also how with a less than a 30 second call, I could have your ass fired and working in a low paying public school? Well it’s a good thing you know now isn’t it?” The teacher looked truly gob smacked and astonished.

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