Chapter 3

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"what are you doing?"-j

Her roommate looked up with a look of guilt, she stood up

"How much did you see?" Asked the girl


The girl blushed

"But no need to panic because.."-j

She shows her dirty messy wet panties and how much she had played with it was obvious

" your not the only one who likes it"-girl

jaiden smiled and started to put her stuff in her room

"Wanna come to a friend's house and get crazy?"-j

The girl nodded

"My name's alice"-a

"Jaiden, come on!"

She dragged Alice to Brookes dorm and an amazing smell filled the air, from tacos and burritos, to chilli dogs and beans it was all here

Jaiden needed to change but as she changed into her 3rd pair of underwear she started to use them like a toilet uncontrollably

As she sat down she felt the squish of them and played with it while the girls were watching

She moaned softly and then blushed when she realised what she was doing, she started to eat as the others did too

Jaiden consumed the most, she started to feel full though she kept going, they also gave her some quick working laxatives as they took some themselves

They cleaned up any leftover food and all the plates, and sat down to watch a movie

Jaiden had got another diaper from Brookes room so she wore that, her diaper was soaked though no mess yet

As they sat and watched the movie one by one they pooped their diapers, first Alice who squatted and pushed as her diaper filled within seconds, it filled the front and the back, this went on for 3 minutes as it then started to come out of the diaper from the top and the leg holes, still going strong she left a big mess below her as well as up her back, she sat down and played with it

Then was Brookes turn who was usually backed up this time had no problems, she farted a few times before letting a flow of mush Into her diaper, it bulged out and leaked, seemed she had eaten more than Alice, Brookes diaper exploded out the leg holes the back and the front

Jaiden was next, she felt the need to go but decided to wait for a bit,
She squatted and didn't have to push at all, her diaper filled up, quick, exploding the same way Brookes did though more violently more shit and the diaper couldn't take anymore

"Sorry about your floor..."-j

"It's okay haha I like cleaning it up"-B

Brooke winked at them both though they didn't know why it was wink worthy, they each left the dorm and went to their dorm

Jaiden got to her dorm and decided to sleep in her masterpiece

When she woke up her bed was wet and shitty

"I've gotta take these sheets to mum"-j thought

Alice came Into the room and pushed jaiden onto the bed, she rubbed her diaper up against hers

"M-mommy~"-j "ah~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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